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5 Ways to Make Your Kitchen Greener Ads

*This is a collaborative post.

The kitchen is one of the places in our home where we use the most water, electricity, gas and chemicals — all things that are bad for the environment, of course.if you want to be greener At home, evaluating your kitchen habits and making changes is a good place to start. Here are five ideas.

Food Procurement and Storage

Food waste is a huge environmental problem. Not only the problem of dealing with spoiled food, but also the cost to the planet of growing plants, raising animals for slaughter, contamination of harvesting and transporting food, and so on. Many families continue to buy more than they need, resulting in wasted food. One of the first steps you can take to make cooking more environmentally friendly is to buy the right amount. You can do this with meal planning and then create a shopping list based on that to buy exactly what you’ll be using. You can also reduce waste by properly storing food, for example, if you know you have ingredients you need to use up, cook them into plates, freeze them and eat them later. The actual storage space you use for food can also become more environmentally friendly, so instead of single-use plastic bags and films, consider investing in durable reusable boxes or airtight glass containers with lids. Your food will also last longer, resulting in less waste.

litter box and waste

Taking steps to reduce waste is important, the next step is what to do with the reduced waste (as all households will still generate some). start composting One of the easiest and most effective ways to deal with kitchen waste, you can compost everything from fruit and vegetable peels to eggshells, tea bags, and even cardboard. Be sure to do some research so you know what you shouldn’t put on the pile (e.g. food scraps on your plate are a no-no). But once you know it’s an easy habit, as a bonus, you’ll get some great free compost for your garden every few years. Using products like biodegradable bin liners in your bin to dispose of other types of waste is also another more environmentally friendly way.


If you’re in the market for a new oven, it’s always wise to choose one with a high energy efficiency rating. But even if you can’t buy a brand new appliance, there are ways to make your cooking more environmentally friendly. For example, don’t open the oven door too much, as this will lower the temperature and prolong the cooking time. You can also turn off the oven a few minutes before the food is cooked, so you can use less energy and take advantage of the fact that the oven stays warm for a while afterwards. Use a cooking thermometer to check that foods such as meat are fully cooked and that the temperature has reached a safe level.


This Dishwashers are a great time saver At home, if handled properly, it is more environmentally friendly than washing dishes the traditional way. First, scrape your dishes, but don’t rinse them, as this will use more water than necessary. Many dishwashers have an eco setting, use it if possible and available as it will use less electricity and water. Only run the dishwasher when it is full to avoid using it unnecessarily and to keep the appliance clean so it runs at its best.look at How to Clean a Dishwasher Find out which parts you need to remove, inspect and possibly clean on a regular basis.


Finally, the way you clean your kitchen also affects the environment. This is an area that needs to be kept sterile, so many people are tempted to come into contact with harsh chemicals that unfortunately end up in sewers and can continue to affect wildlife in rivers and lakes. There are plenty of very effective eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaners out there, so be sure to think twice before buying.

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