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HomeEnvironment6 Severe weather events increased due to climate change

6 Severe weather events increased due to climate change

climate change cycle

The climate change cycle is when dry or cracked land becomes rich moist organic soil with growing seedlings as composites.

Today, severe weather events are becoming part of the so-called “new normal.” Natural weather phenomena that were previously rare are now more common. So, what caused these situations to happen?

Rapid changes in the global climate driven by human activities are a major factor leading to extreme weather conditions around the world. These human activities include but are not limited to deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, pollution and overpopulation.

These human activities have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas — like methane — that traps radiation from the sun inside the Earth. Once it gets trapped, the temperature on Earth starts to rise. Soaring global temperatures are making the climate catastrophe worse unless humanity stands up and takes action.

Climate change worsens weather conditions Affects many industries all over the world. It calls for a robust severe weather risk management plan, which is critical to keeping communities and organizations safe.

The following are severe weather events that are becoming more common due to climate change. Be sure to understand each one to develop an effective disaster risk management plan.

bad weather

Severe Weather – Road Sign Warning

1. wildfire

Wildfires are a common part of life in the American West. However, as temperatures in the region have risen, wildfires have become more ferocious, massive and fast-moving than ever.

Over the past few years, California has experienced extreme weather turmoil. It’s getting hotter and hotter, and everything in front of you is getting drier. These events have resulted in seasonally strong winds—what Californians call “Diablos”—that cause wildfires to spread faster than ever.

Wildfires in California burned about 4 million acres in 2020. It was much larger than Connecticut, making it one of the largest fires in history. It’s also worth noting that the most destructive wildfire in all wildfire history — the 2018 Camp Fire — has claimed 68 lives.

It’s not just about California or the whole of America. Wildfires have raged in many countries including Australia, Spain, the UK, Turkey and Russia, forcing millions to evacuate their homes. Additionally, experts warn that massive droughts will spark and exacerbate wildfires in the future.

2. extreme heat conditions

As global temperatures rise, so do the maximum temperatures and the number of areas affected by extreme heat. It just means one thing: more and more places will suffer from sweltering heat.

A good example is the cities of Houston and Austin, Texas. Over the past 50 years, some parts of Austin have experienced temperature increases of 100 degrees Fahrenheit in a single month. In Houston, on the other hand, there are some months where temperatures exceed 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

according to expert, by 2100, temperatures around the world will get hotter. By then, the temperature is expected to rise by 5 degrees. If a 1 degree increase is too hot to handle, try to imagine a 5 degree increase.

Extreme heat conditions require more air conditioning systems, resulting in excessive carbon pollution and rolling blackouts due to lack of energy supply. In addition, it increases the risk of contracting various diseases and diseases, especially for those who are vulnerable.

3. severe widespread drought

Higher temperatures usually result in persistent dry conditions. When global temperatures rise, water in soils and shallow bodies of water evaporates. In the United States and other parts of the world, droughts have become more severe and prolonged due to climate change.

In fact, the western U.S. is currently experiencing and battling a super-drought — something it hasn’t experienced in the past 1,200 years. Much of the west is currently facing severe drought conditions.

4. heavy precipitation

As global temperatures rise, the amount of water in the atmosphere evaporates.This means that there will be more water vapour supply to the atmosphere, causing it to produce stronger hurricaneheavier rainfall and more violent blizzards.

Like dry regions that have become drier due to rising global temperatures, those regions that have historically experienced heavy rainfall will only become wetter. Rainfall in 2018 broke the record for an average of 36.2 inches in a year. That’s 6 inches above the previous average and continues to increase as polar ice caps melt and temperatures rise.

5. snowstorm

Although rapid changes in the global climate are causing temperatures to rise, that doesn’t mean winter will begin to end. In fact, the opposite is true. Instead of getting shorter and calmer, winters became more intense and scary, leading to extreme frosts.

Such unnatural disasters are likely to be caused by climate change. As the atmosphere heats up, the water vapor trapped in it increases. This means that when temperatures start to drop, there is likely to be a heavier amount of precipitation that could turn into a severe blizzard.

Another factor worth considering is the warming of the Arctic. Experts believe the phenomenon would disrupt the polar vortex and weaken the jet stream.This polar vortex Is the area of ​​low pressure and wind around the North Pole, when the area breaks up, the frozen air will escape in the form of extreme winter.

In 2021, a massive snowstorm devastated Texas, leaving more than 4 million homes in unusually cold conditions. It has killed 100 people and cost as much as $295 billion. In addition, this situation leads to a lack of electricity supply due to the high energy demand for heating.

6. flood

Except for rainstorms and hurricanes, Sea-level rise Severe flooding can also occur. As temperatures rise, ocean waters warm, causing polar ice blocks, glaciers and ice caps to melt. It added water to the world’s oceans, causing sea levels to rise and flooding low-lying areas.

Over the past 150 years, the global average sea level has risen by 8 inches. States in the Atlantic region, as well as the Gulf of Mexico, are currently facing a rapid rise in sea levels, which has resulted in record rainfall and devastating flooding.

last words

Climate change is the main reason for the increase in severe weather events. Due to harmful human activities, including pollution, deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, etc. So do all you can, even in the little things, to prevent these rapid changes in the global climate to protect the planet and everyone in it.

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