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9 tips to drink more water every day 9 tips to drink more water every day

Try these simple ideas to drink more water

Many people don’t think of water as a nutrient, but it is. The fact that it is an essential nutrient means we cannot live without it. Of all the nutrients your body needs, water is the one you need the most. We use water to quench our thirst, take our medicines, and as an ingredient in certain recipes. But what does water actually do to our bodies?

6 functions of water:

  • Regulate body temperature. When you are physically active and sweat, heat escapes from your body in the form of water, helping you cool down.
  • Delivers nutrients and oxygen to cells. Water dissolves nutrients and brings them to your body’s cells along with oxygen, and carries waste away.
  • Moisturizes body tissues. These tissues include those in the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Lubricate and cushion joints. The fluid in your joints is mostly made up of water – it helps reduce friction so your bones don’t grind against each other.
  • normalize blood pressure. Dehydration can cause your heart rate to increase and your blood pressure to drop. Getting enough fluids is important to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.
  • Helps prevent constipation. Water does this by softening your stool.

When you have a physical sensation of thirst, it’s a signal that your body requires water to perform many of its functionsHowever, you shouldn’t drink water only when you’re thirsty—your body needs it before it signals thirst.

How much water should you drink?

The amount of water you take in should equal the amount of water your body loses. If you lose more water than you take in, this can cause dehydration. Your body loses water through your skin (sweat), urine, feces, and breathing. Your job is to replace this water by drinking water and eating food.

If you take in more water than you lose, this can cause overhydration. although overhydration (water intoxication) Rare, can happen to anyone. If your body is functioning properly, drinking too much water usually doesn’t lead to overhydration. Certain medications and medical conditions (for example, kidney disease) can change your body’s water balance, causing you to overhydrate.

Adequate intake (AI) levels of water It is determined for the average healthy person. AI is 11.5 cups per day for women and 15.5 cups per day for men.Remember, these totals include your water intake through both fluids and solid food.You will usually accept approx. 20% water required in foodTherefore, to maintain hydration balance, women should aim for about 9 glasses of fluids per day and men should aim for about 12.5 glasses of fluids per day. Remember: this is general advice.If you have a medical condition or special circumstances (such as pregnancy and breastfeeding) that affect your body’s water balance, see Registered Dietitian Dietitian (RDN) Help you estimate your needs.

How do you know you’re getting enough water?

Just check your urine. If you are well hydrated, your urine will be pale yellow. If your urine is dark yellow, you need to increase your water intake.

Americans are not drinking enough water, especially plain water.In fact, between 2011-2014, U.S. adults drank alcohol An average of 39 ounces (less than 5 glasses) of water a day. This may be due to forgetting, being too busy to stop for a drink and/or choosing a sugary drink like soda. Fear not – there are many ways to increase your water intake!

Here are 9 tips to help you drink more water:

#1: Set daily goals.

Once you’ve determined your water needs, whether it’s a general recommendation or calculated for you, set a daily goal. To keep track, use the mobile app to log your water intake throughout the day.

#2: Set reminders.

Setting reminders on your phone will help you remember to drink water before you get really thirsty. You can even tie these reminders to already scheduled parts of your day, such as your work breaks.

#3: Carry a water bottle with you.

Always have a water bottle nearby as a reminder to drink more water. Keep a bottle in your car, on your desk, and other places where you spend a lot of time, like your living room.

#4: Get your favorite hydration gear.

Having a water bottle in your favorite color or style can make drinking water more enjoyable and encourage you to drink more! A large water bottle with time and capacity markers is a great option, as it can also help you keep track of your daily goals.

#5: Replace other beverages with water.

If you’re not drinking water, you’re likely drinking other beverages throughout the day, such as soda or iced tea. Many of these beverages contain sugar and caffeine, which can contribute to weight gain and anxiety, respectively. In any case, you’ll be drinking one of these beverages instead of water.

#6: Add flavor to your water.

If you’re used to drinking sweetened beverages, it can be difficult to transition to plain water.Instead, sweeten your water with zero calories liquid water enhancer. They come in a variety of delicious flavors including Sweet Tea, Strawberry Watermelon and Orange. Just squeeze in your water bottle or glass.You can also do a drink recipe use Splenda® Original, steviaor Monk fruit Sweeteners – they all have zero calories!

#7: Try sparkling water.

If you love soda but want to avoid the calories and sugar, try seltzer. This can make hydration easier and more enjoyable.

#8: Drink a glass with every meal.

You might have a drink with it when you sit down to eat. So why not let that drink a glass of water? A glass of water with every meal can help you reach your daily water goal.

#9: Keep a mug on your nightstand.

Keeping a glass of water on your nightstand helps keep you hydrated throughout the night (if you wake up) and in the morning.some people are struggling dry mouth at night, so you might be thirsty after a night’s sleep. Rehydrate with a refreshing glass of water!

Reward Hacking: eat more fruits and vegetables! Remember that about 20% of your daily water intake comes from food.Juicy fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and celery, contain more than 90% water!

Written by Holly Moran, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES and Splenda Health Sciences team members.

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