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Homepet healthIs jumping harmful to dog joints? Fact or fiction?

Is jumping harmful to dog joints? Fact or fiction?

Jumping will increase the load on the joints, but is it so destructive to the dog’s health? Read on and find out if you should stop your dog from jumping for these snacks.

Dogs are wonderful creatures. They are loyal, always around, and real athletes when needed.

If you are an outdoor person, you will know how convenient it is to have a furry dog ​​by your side while exploring the wilderness.

As a dog owner, you may have noticed that when dogs see that leash, they will keep wagging their tails—it’s simple: after good training, dogs know the meaning of certain objects, movements, and sounds.

In addition, you may have noticed that when they are really happy, they tend to jump up.

There are many reasons for this to happen: to get your favorite hospitality, to show you love, or just to perform a trick to get them to get that kind of hospitality again.

Dogs of all breeds and sizes have the instinct to jump-this is how they are born.

Long running and jumping are natural to them, because it is human breathing.

In addition, there is a more important reason why dogs can jump-they use jumping as an advantage to catch prey in the wild.

In most cases, jumping is harmless, but in some cases, violent jumping can cause serious health problems.

How jumping affects your dog’s joints

Have you heard of arthritis in dogs? This situation is usually related to jumping dogs.

In fact, this condition is so common that as many as 65% of dogs will develop arthritis at some point in their lives. Jumping up and down will eventually increase the wear of the joints.

A huge component related to a dog’s health and joints is related to the ground-where the dog jumps in is also important. The harder the surface, the bigger the problem.

Even a hard indoor surface can have a huge (negative) effect on its joints. Is it better to jump outside? Well, yes, if your dog is jumping on grass and overall softer ground.

Do dogs like to jump?

As mentioned earlier, jumping is a natural thing for dogs. In fact, in the wild, they will jump up to catch prey.

These days have passed a long time, but they still need to jump. Have you ever seen a dog jump into a car easily from a window? This is their genes.

Dog brain They have evolved over time, but certain characteristics are still part of their bodies in the end.

In addition, people ask dogs to jump. Think about how many times you feed your dog just to watch him jump—just to see how high he can jump.

In addition, dog exercises such as agile The flying ball provides a jumping space for the dog.

Some dogs are feeling stressed, scared or anxious – In this case, it is important to cooperate with the dog handler and solve the problem in the best way.

If excessive jumping may be related to an underlying medical problem, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

Is it safe for the puppy to jump up?

Puppies are very sensitive. Each puppy is unique. Although some may have a strong urge to jump, others can easily spend a whole day walking around without jumping-it all depends on the breed and individual characteristics.

Puppies are constantly growing, which is why they need proper nutrition instead of being forced to walk, hike or run for long periods of time-their bones are developing and not as strong as adult dogs-therefore, rapid and frequent injuries are possible Happen, this is something you want to avoid.

In fact, puppies should not be expected to jump competitively until they are 15 months old.

The puppy’s growth plate does not develop until one year old, and pushing the growth plate under strong pressure before this stage can cause permanent damage.

In addition, puppies do not have the necessary muscle strength to reduce the impact of jumping.

How jumping affects a dog’s joints

To understand how jumping affects a dog’s joints, one should look at it from the dog’s perspective.

In fact, every movement when jumping is carefully designed, planned by nature, and supported by the dog’s body.

When your dog is ready to take off, he will shift his weight to the large muscles of the hind legs and the joints of the hind legs.

This action will activate the rear end and push the dog up and forward like a released coil spring.

To complete his movements, he needs to perform a full range of exercises in the hind leg joints (including knee joints, hip joints and tarsal bones), and then activate all supporting muscles. Therefore, when the dog lands, its front legs will move.

It is important to note that these movements are natural and normal, but compared to walking or running on flat ground, it takes more time to consume your dog’s joints.

Veterinarians usually refer to the extra stress on the dog’s body as “increased load.”

How high can a dog jump?

When answering this question, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

This will always depend on the size and breed of the dog-in addition, some dogs are naturally heavier and some have short legs, which keeps them away from the jumping category.

Some dogs can jump several times their own height, but this does not mean that it is good for them. In addition, older dogs will be more difficult to jump, because as they age, they become slower and more agile.

What happens when the dog jumps down?

Jumping involves less muscle work. For example, when getting off the bed, the dog will always use its weight to move downwards.

Therefore, once the dog lands, he will break through the front of his body. Naturally, the weight and pressure on the front legs and shoulders is much greater than walking or running, especially if your dog is having problems due to being overweight or obese.

If there is extra weight, they are defined as “increased load”.

Jumping and dog joints

There are many myths and facts about dogs and their jumping habits. Some of them are correct and some are wrong, and shouldn’t make you upset at all.

Let’s quickly check which statements related to jumping are wrong and which are correct.

  • Dogs should not go up and down stairs-wrong.
  • Jumping in and out of the car is not good for my dog-neutral, because it depends on your dog and your car.
  • Dogs shouldn’t jump around on the sofa—that’s right.
  • Jumping on the bed won’t hurt my dog-wrong.
  • The puppy should not be allowed to jump on the furniture-yes.
  • Dogs should not be allowed to bounce and play on the bed and trampoline-yes.
  • Jumping exercises like agility are not good for dogs-wrong.

Is it good for the dog to jump out of the car?

Needless to say, dogs should not be allowed to jump into the car. Getting in and out is another matter.

However, you should be careful with this, because recent studies have found that allowing dogs to jump around in and outside the car can cause a lot of stress and trouble on the dog’s joints.

Some people have very large vehicles, which can cause more damage to the dog’s joints when they jump.

If you are one of the owners of a large vehicle, please carefully consider whether your dog can get in and out continuously, or you should consider installing ramps to protect your dog’s joints and hips.

Are there certain dog breeds that jump better than others?

Simply put, yes. Some breeds are better at jumping than others. For example, shepherds and hunting dogs (such as border collies) are excellent at jumping.

This breed is usually a champion in dog sports, such as agility, next to German Shepherd, And Labrador.

If you are the lucky owner of a short-legged breed, for example Sausage, You should not encourage them to jump, because there is a real (and high) risk of spinal cord injury.

Take care of your dog’s joints

Everyone who owns a dog wants his dog to have a happy and healthy life, because health and happiness mean a longer life. This is why keeping dogs active is so important.

Regular exercise and extra exercise to strengthen the dog’s joints through play should be a part of any dog’s life.

If you don’t know how to keep your dog’s joints strong through exercise, please consult your veterinarian and seek direct guidance.

In this way, you will provide the exercise and the safety you need.

You should not indulge in potential accidents, but you should be fully aware of the potential dangers-so that you can actually do more to protect your dog’s joints and muscles, especially for puppies.

Want to use your dog for jumping exercises? Make sure you understand and understand the boundaries.

Need some help to master certain dog sports? Hire a professional dog handler for professional and accurate input-sometimes investment can go a long way.

Are there other ways to promote the overall health of the dog? Of course there is. In addition to an excellent exercise and training program, diet and nutrition are the most important.

Consider adding supplements to your dog’s nutrition-make sure to use supplements recommended by your veterinarian.

Supplements can well supplement the already very healthy joints and muscles, and even support freedom of movement.

Joint supplements for dogs

Dogs are active animals. They often walk and run, just like humans, their joints will wear out. This is why these body parts should be strengthened with additional support.

This extra support usually comes in the form of exercise and nutrition, but recently, veterinarians are talking about dog supplements that can strengthen dog joints.

Does your dog need them? Your dog definitely needs vitamins and organic compounds to balance nutrition and normal growth.

Just like humans, dogs cannot naturally produce vitamins and minerals, so they must consume them.

Generally speaking, these vitamins and minerals contribute to normal body functions, including bones and joints.

Also, as a general rule, if commercial foods are of high quality and are designed to provide your dog with essential nutrients, you should still consider supplements as an additional option.

Why? Because the compounds found in supplements are extra and can promote joint health. When it comes to dog nutrition, you have to talk to your veterinarian. This is especially important if you feed your dog homemade food.

How to choose joint supplements for dogs

As usual, your first step should be to talk to your veterinarian.

You should know how to read pet food labels and always understand the ingredients. This is very important if your dog is receiving some kind of treatment and medication.

Nonetheless, there are some general guidelines for choosing supplements for dogs:

  • Always search for brands that conduct clinical research on their products
  • Read label
  • If you see a large number of numbers on the product, it means that the company has conducted a quality control check
  • Always choose a brand with recognized expertise
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it is usually
  • Don’t forget that vitamin supplements are just supplements, not miracle creators
  • Never give human supplements to dogs.Always choose supplements recommended by your veterinarian

Bottom line

Every day, your dog will get old. As your dog or dog gets older, the chance of arthritis and other joint-related problems increases.

In some dogs, these problems can be very mild, while in other dogs, joint problems can be serious and cause higher problems.

In some breeds, this is a common situation, and some breeds are bred for specific traits and must constantly face bone health issues. This is why hip dysplasia in dogs is so common.

Make sure you understand the common problems in your dog’s breed-so you will be better prepared for potential health problems in the future. Provide proper nutrition, exercise, training, and minimize joint problems.

Consider supplements and confirm with your veterinarian which one you should focus on, and provide a happy and healthy environment for your dog.