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To save bumblebees, habitat protection across the UK is needed, a decade-long study has found.

The researchers used data on bumblebee populations collected by the public to provide the most detailed overview yet possible of the insect’s habitat needs.

They found that bumblebee species varied widely in the type of habitat they were associated with.


But the study suggests that reversing the loss of semi-natural areas may be the most universally effective step in bumblebee conservation.

A third of the 24 species of bumblebees in the UK are listed as protected species because they are found in fewer places.

According to researchers from the Hornet Conservation Trust, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the University of Edinburgh, this shows that a one-size-fits-all approach to bumblebee conservation is not effective in protecting all species.

Conservation efforts therefore need to be carefully tailored to specific species, they say.

Dr Penelope Whitehorn of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, who led the research, said: “Our findings suggest that reversing the loss of semi-natural areas such as wetlands may be the most universally effective action to protect bumblebees, while simultaneously Improved bumblebee habitat. Cities and arable land can benefit specific rare species.


“As one of the world’s least natural resources, it is important that we better protect our native species and habitats in the UK.”

The study identified habitat types that could be targeted for dialogue.

It found that arable land suitable for growing crops was important for rare species, such as Britain’s largest bumblebee.

Large areas of semi-natural land, such as moorland, are important to many different species, such as moss and brown-banded wasps, and bilberry bumblebees.

Data for the study was provided by a long-running citizen science project, which the researchers believe is critical for collecting data and engaging the public in conservation.


Dr Whitehorn said: “Our study highlights the value of citizen science for understanding bumblebees and their habitat. Citizen science also gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to the conservation of these species.”

The study also found that queens and males of several species were particularly associated with areas of shrubs, ferns and herbs, suggesting that these habitats are ideal for nesting.

Worker bees are more often associated with hedges and alleys, suggesting that they are good for providing food.

Richard Cormont, scientific manager at the Hornet Conservation Trust, said: “Bumblebees need areas with lots of flowers from March to September/October.

“When habitat is completely lost, bees lose this important resource because they are either built in, changed to other environments, or degraded by things like the use of pesticides.”


The research is based on data from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust’s BeeWalk programme, a citizen science project involving more than 500 volunteers across the UK who monitor walks, identify and count bumblebees on a monthly basis.

This information was combined with land cover data, climate data and detailed habitat data collected by observers to study associations between 14 British bumblebee species and habitat types.

Next, the researchers hope to find out why different species are associated with different habitats in order to create and preserve the right conditions for them.

The findings were published in the British Ecological Society Journal of Applied Ecology.

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Nina Massey is a PA Science Correspondent.

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