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If you’re a dog owner, you’re probably very aware of their habit of sniffing and eating anything they find strange. Anything that moves in front of them triggers their instinct to chase them.
One example is when they see a spider running on the wall of the house they are tempted to chase it, sometimes the result is that they eat the spider and sometimes the spider bites our dog.
We are naturally afraid of spiders, and we will definitely feel scared when we see our dog eating one. Trust me, you don’t want to be in this situation.
As a responsible pet parent, it is important to know if eating spiders for your dog will make them sick or dangerous to them and lead to any consequences health problems.
Don’t worry, we have all the answers to your questions right here. In this article, you’ll learn what happens if your dog eats a spider, what your next steps should be, whether spiders are poisonous to your dog, and many other topics.
Without further ado, let’s start reading.
Can dogs eat spiders?
First, can dogs eat spiders? No, ideally they shouldn’t be spider eaters. However, they do eat house spiders, which doesn’t seem to cause them many problems.
But if you think or know that your dog has eaten a spider, continue to monitor your dog for any discomfort or abnormalities, including pain, nausea, or vomiting.
If you feel they are uncomfortable, contact your veterinarian immediately.
What happens if my dog eats a spider?
If your dog eats a house spider, there won’t be any problems; the dog’s system will process the spider just like any other food.
If your dog eats a type of spider other than a house spider and it is poisonous, there may be some health risks that will then require veterinary intervention.
If your dog is bitten by a venomous spider, it may cause severe pain, swelling, irritation, soreness, and redness in your dog’s body. If the poisoning is severe, it may cause fever and vomiting, which may worsen depending on the amount and type of venom.
If you think the spider your dog ate was not a common house spider, but a different spider that is venomous, you should go directly to your veterinarian and have your dog examined.
Are spiders poisonous to dogs?
Technically, dogs are not toxic to house spiders or even house bugs. They are common in every home, and most spider bites cause mild pain and soreness at the bite site.
They are some rare species that can cause serious discomfort to your dog if you bite them, but as said, they are very rare. If you notice any abnormalities or discomfort and cannot determine the cause, see your veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause.
Sometimes, dogs can become seriously ill even after eating a poisonous spider. Severity depends on the type of spider and may cause vomiting, diarrhea, pain, seizures, and excessive drooling. In very rare and severe cases, it can cause paralysis.
If there is a powerful and large spider and it bites your dog or your dog tries to eat it, then it can be very fatal as it can cause organ damage and cardiac arrest.
What to do if your dog eats a spider
If you think your dog has eaten a spider, or if you see your dog eating a spider, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
If your dog has been exposed to a spider and is now showing signs of discomfort, this is a sign that a veterinarian should be consulted before a serious condition occurs.
If your dog eats a spider, first try to get photos or any remaining information about the spider that will help your veterinarian understand the spider’s venom.
Then, note the times you saw or became aware that your dog had eaten a spider or even been bitten by one. Your veterinarian will ask this question, and it is important to answer it accurately.
In addition to all of these details, you must also tell your veterinarian about any unusual symptoms you notice in your dog and any abnormalities they notice.
Your veterinarian may also ask these questions during your appointment or when you call before you come in to prepare for treatment.
Your veterinarian may ask for additional information, such as how many spiders your dog has eaten and what area you live in, to get a clear idea of what treatment to start.
After gathering all the details, your veterinarian will prepare a dose of antivenom; if bitten by a spider, they may also provide wound care or supportive care until your dog has fully recovered.
Signs Your Dog Has Been Bitten by a Spider
It can be difficult to determine if your dog has a bite or any injuries because their thick coat makes it difficult to detect any injuries.
One way to check if your dog has been bitten by a spider is to examine its body for lumps or swelling. Also, check for any unusual redness.
Let’s take a look at some common symptoms of spider bites in dogs.
1. Swelling
One of the most common symptoms of a spider bite is swelling. It’s also easy to notice if your dog’s body, legs, eyes, or jaw are swollen; this is a sign that something is not right.
2. Fever
Spider bites often cause dog feverEspecially if the spider is large and venomous. Fever can be measured with a pet thermometer available at pet stores.
3. Behavioral changes
Dogs will show unusual signs after being bitten by a spider; a very naughty dog will sometimes become lazy or angry. If you see any of these signs, something is wrong.
Other signs of a spider bite are
- lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- lump
- redness
What spiders can hurt dogs?
Spiders are sometimes very dangerous because there are many venomous spiders in the world that can inject some deadly venom. Spider bites on dogs are not that harmful because in most cases, spider bites are caused by house spiders and not by highly venomous spiders.
While some spiders are known to be venomous, they are found in different parts of the country. Let’s get to know them.
1. Black Widow Spider
The black widow spider is one of the most venomous spiders known for its bite, which can be harmful to dogs.
Their bites can cause muscle pain, stiffness and tremors, and in severe cases, paralysis. However, death is rare, especially if the dog receives prompt veterinary care.
2. Brown recluse spider
Another dangerous spider is the brown recluse spider. Their bites cause localized necrosis (death of tissue) and can be painful. The severity of reactions varies from person to person.
3. Hobo Spider
While the hobo spider is less dangerous than the black widow or brown recluse spider, despite its unique name, its bite can cause tissue damage and necrosis, leading to skin damage. Symptoms include swelling, redness, and pain.
4. Tarantula
Wolf spiders are not generally considered to be highly venomous to humans or dogs. Wolf spider bites can cause localized pain and swelling, but severe reactions are uncommon.
5. Tarantula
A very familiar name, Tarantula is another spider that made the list. Their bites are usually harmless to dogs. Their venom is relatively mild, and a bite usually causes localized pain and swelling.
It’s important to remember that most spider bites are not life-threatening to your dog. However, if you suspect your dog has been bitten by a spider, or if you notice any unusual symptoms such as swelling, pain, or signs of an allergic reaction, it’s best to seek immediate veterinary care.
In some cases, your veterinarian may recommend treatment to control pain and inflammation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most likely, nothing. Dead spiders do not bite and there is no risk of allergies or reactions. So, if your dog eats a dead spider, it won’t cause any harm, it will just pass through your dog’s system like anything else, but it’s always good to monitor your dog’s activity.
No, the simple answer to this question is no, you shouldn’t do it. It’s difficult to know a spider’s toxicity level, and some spiders contain toxins that can harm your dog and cause serious health problems.
Black widows, brown recluses, hobos, wolves, and tarantulas are some of the world’s known venomous spiders, and their bites can cause serious health problems and even death.
in conclusion
If your dog has eaten a spider and you’re wondering if your dog can eat spiders, then you should know that dogs should never eat spiders, and sometimes, eating spiders can cause serious problems for your dog’s health. While eating spiders, dogs can also be bitten by spiders, which can cause pain and discomfort.
Use this article as a guide to learn about the potential dangers and precautions of dog-eating spiders, and learn about the different signs of a spider bite on your dog and its toxicity.
Dr. Lillian is a DVM with a passion for raising awareness about dogs. She shares her expertise through her blog at and provides animal care services, including internal medicine, dermatology and urgent care. Dr. Lillian is committed to animal welfare.