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HomeHealthy LifestyleEverything you need to know about stevia

Everything you need to know about stevia

Stevia sweetener is zero calorie, naturally sweet

If you’re cutting back on sugar but still crave something sweet, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with stevia. This plant-based sweetener has zero calories, doesn’t raise blood sugar levels, and is perfect for a low-carb or ketogenic diet.

Because of this, health-conscious people around the world choose stevia as their preferred sugar substitute.Instead of feeling guilty, it’s better to really feel OK About eating foods with stevia.

Why don’t you? stevia is a safe and delicious sweetener with an impressive array of potential health benefits. We’ll cover these health benefits in a second, along with fun tips and stevia recipes. First, let’s define what stevia is.

What is Stevia?

stevia plant

Stevia is a zero-calorie sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia plant.Extracts are much sweeter than sugar, but stevia sweeteners (such as Splenda Stevia Granular Sweetener) to match the exact sweetness of the sugar (bake and measure 1 to 1 just like sugar). This makes recipe substitutions a breeze.

Stevia leaves were first discovered by natives in South America about 200 years ago.These cultures not only used stevia to satisfy their collective sweet tooth, but also as a ways to treat diabetes.

The sweetness and health benefits of stevia stem from a steviol glycosides in stevia leaves. The most studied glycosides include:

  • steviol glycosides
  • Rebaudioside A
  • Rebaudioside C
  • Rebaudioside D
  • Duroside

Glycosides are all sweet, but each has different properties.For example, rebaudioside D (for Splenda Stevia Products) without bitterness – a common complaint with sweeteners made with rebaudioside A.

Stevia and Sugar

Why choose stevia over sugar? There are several reasons.

First, you may want to reduce your empty calorie consumption. The average American consumes nearly 17 teaspoons of added sugar per day, mostly from sugar-sweetened beverages.

More than 250 calories won’t fill you up. Reducing them can help with weight loss.

You may also be concerned about your long-term health.High sugar intake and increased risk of heart disease, cognitive decline, type 2 diabetes, Tooth decay and many other health conditions.

Finally, if you’re on a low-carb or ketogenic diet, added sugar is a big no-no. Why?Because consuming refined sugar raises blood sugar and insulin levels, which in turn turns off Fat Burning and Ketogenic.

However, stevia does not have these disadvantages. Instead, it appears to have benefits.

Stevia Health Benefits

Some might say that stevia is a healthy food. After reading this section, see if you agree.

#1: Blood Sugar Control

For centuries, locals in Paraguay and Bolivia have used stevia leaves for a treatment called type 2 diabetes. Modern researchers are still not sure if stevia helps diabetes, but stevia have has been shown (in a randomized controlled trial in 2020) in type 2 diabetes. So at least, it doesn’t hurt.

Check out this 2010 study.First, treat 32 non-diabetic patients with a snack made with sucrose (table sugar) or stevia, and let them relax buffet. The subsequent test results are interesting. Compared to the sugar group, the stevia group not only had lower blood sugar after meals, but also consumed fewer calories overall.

#2: Antioxidant Properties

Stevia is rich in plant antioxidants called phenols.These phenols may help Reduce oxidative stress that damages cells and organs as you age.

#3: May Reduce Inflammation

The less oxidative stress, the less inflammation in general.This unwanted immune activity, known as chronic inflammation, is associated with Most diseases of modernity.

In mice, a compound derived from stevia leaves, stevioside, was shown to reduce inflammatory markers such as TNFα, Interleukin 6 and Interleukin 10. Something promising.

#4: May Help Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, don’t eat too many calories. When you replace empty sugar calories with non-calorie sweeteners like stevia, you can get a head start on this.

#5: Dental Health

In one study, Indian schoolchildren used stevia mouthwash Reduces oral plaque and gingivitis. In contrast, sugar is undoubtedly associated with cavity formation.

Stevia Safety and Side Effects

Stevia is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) Food and Drug AdministrationThis means that a group of experts has determined that stevia is safe for humans in normal doses.

Other regulators have made Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 4 mg stevia per kg body weight per day(By the way, ADI is the daily dose of a substance that is unlikely to cause harm over a lifetime.) To achieve the ADI for stevia, a 150-pound woman would need to consume 40 Stevia Tabletop Pack Every day for the rest of her life. Most people only use a few packets a day at most.

What about side effects?according to Clinical Trials, Stevia doesn’t seem to have.

Most importantly, stevia appears to be very safe and well tolerated in humans.

How to use stevia

Stevia is a healthy sugar substitute. Use it anywhere you would use sugar. Here are some ideas.

Stevia for Baking and Cooking

Blueberry Ricotta Cheesecake
Blueberry Ricotta Cheesecake

You no longer have to feel guilty about making (and eating) chocolate chip cookies when you use stevia, banana breadmuffins, shortbread, and anything else grandma passed down in the recipe book.

You also don’t need to perform tricky sugar-to-stevia conversions.just use Splenda Stevia Granular Sweetener Swap 1:1 with sugar or use Splenda Stevia SweEternal Jar Make a 2:1 swap.

Here are some stevia recipes to get you started:

Blueberry Ricotta Cheesecake
Low Carb Chocolate Chip Cupcakes
Low Sugar Peanut Butter Energy Balls

stevia drink

Sugar Free Margaritas
Sugar Free Margaritas

In case you were wondering, Splenda Stevia dissolves perfectly into a liquid. (it even comes in liquid form instant sweetness). Use it to make:

Sugar Free Margaritas
Cream Matcha
an old fashioned cocktail
● and many more

Stevia in Keto

Keto Chocolate Cupcakes
Keto Chocolate Cupcakes

Craving a ketogenic diet?Stevia is Keto-Friendly Sweeteners For you.just add Splenda Stevia Add to your coffee, tea or favorite recipes for all the sweetness of sugar without the consequences.

Should you use stevia?

If you’re craving a healthy sugar substitute, stevia has you covered. It has zero calories, plenty of sweetness, and won’t get you out of ketosis.

give stevia Try it out and see what you think. This may be the best decision you’ve made all month.

By: Brian Stanton, author of Keto Intermittent Fasting, a certified health coach and authority on the keto diet. Visit Brian’s website to follow his work:

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