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HomeHealthy LifestyleHow to Make or Order Healthier Coffee

How to Make or Order Healthier Coffee

7 Ways to Make Healthier Coffee

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. In the U.S, 62% drink coffee daily; among those who drink coffee, Consume more than 3 cups per day on averagePeople drink coffee for many reasons: for flavor, for heating or cooling (depending on whether it’s hot or iced), for added caffeine, and/or for potential health benefits.some of them health benefits Including reducing the risk of heart failure, stroke, colon cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

A cup of brewed black coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine, phytonutrients (healthy compounds produced by plants) and zero calories. Adding cream, sugar, syrup, or other flavorings can alter the nutritional profile of coffee, for better or worse.In fact, coffee is one of major source of added sugar In the US, because of sugary flavorings.

Diabetics may not only worry about sugar, but the caffeine in coffee can also affect their blood sugar levels. However, research shows that in the long run, Caffeinated coffee may actually help control blood sugar By increasing your body’s insulin response. Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, so your body must respond to it in the right way.

So far, we’ve learned that coffee has great benefits, but we don’t want to offset those benefits by adding sugar to our coffee drinks. Making or ordering healthier coffee drinks doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavor.both healthy and and Delicious coffee drink!

Here are 7 ideas for boosting the nutrition and flavor of coffee beverages:

#1: Use low- and no-calorie sweeteners in place of sugar

Splenda Monk Fruit Sweetened Coffee

Sugar comes by many different names and forms: white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, honey, agave nectar—the list goes on. The truth is, teaspoon by teaspoon, all of this sugar contains about 15-20 calories, 5 grams of carbs, and affects your blood sugar in the same way. (And most people use more than a teaspoon in their coffee!) Instead of sweetening with sugar, use low- or no-calorie sweeteners like Splenda Original, steviaor Monk fruit. These sweeteners have No effect on blood sugar But it tastes like sugar!

#2: Combined Nutritious Shake

Creamy Iced Vanilla Latte
Creamy Iced Vanilla Latte

Combine coffee with a nutritious shake to turn it into a complete breakfast or snack.Nutrition Shake Splenda Diabetes Care Shake Contains the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats to help control blood sugar and keep you feeling full.Simply pour a vanilla-flavored milkshake into a glass, add ice and espresso to make Creamy Iced Vanilla Latte! If you’re a chocolate lover, try the same recipe with a chocolate-flavored milkshake for a creamy iced mocha.

#3: Add Cinnamon


Adding sweet spices like cinnamon to your coffee drink is a great way to add flavor without adding any extra calories. Some studies show that Cinnamon Can lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, but has no significant effect on hemoglobin A1c (your 3-month blood sugar average). Therefore, use cinnamon as a flavoring instead of treating diabetes.

#4: Add Unsweetened Cocoa

unsweetened cocoa

Cocoa contains a range of antioxidants This has been shown to help reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other inflammatory diseases. It is best to add unsweetened cocoa to your coffee drink rather than chocolate to avoid added sugar and fat in chocolate. If you do choose to add chocolate, choose dark chocolate (the original version of cocoa) or stevia chocolate that is high in cocoa to avoid adding too much sugar.

#5: Use Unsweetened Coffee Creamer

Splenda Coffee Creamer

Many flavored coffee creamers contain sugar and corn syrup. If you like to add more than a tablespoon of creamer to a cup of coffee, or generally drink multiple cups a day, all the sugar can add up! Splenda Coffee Creamer No sugar and no corn syrup – they’re sweetened with zero-calorie Splenda sweetener. Using Splenda coffee creamer instead of sweetened coffee creamer will save you 20 calories per tablespoon.

#6: Make Coffee Recipes at Home

make coffee at home

If you like “fancy” coffee drinks like mochas and smoothies, try making them at home! Cafes rarely have healthy syrups and chocolate spreads, so it’s hard to avoid those excess calories and sugar when you’re out drinking.

Frozen Mocha Latte
Frozen Mocha Latte

Try making frozen coffee drinks such as Frozen Almond Cappuccino with Splenda Granulated Sweetener or Frozen Mocha Latte Made with Splenda Milk Chocolate Diabetes Care Shake. In this one drink you will get sweets and a balanced meal or snack.

#7: Check Labels

Before buying ready-to-drink coffee or coffee flavoring, check the nutrition label. When managing blood sugar, it is important to look at the grams of added sugars under total carbohydrates.according to American Heart AssociationFor men, aim for no more than 36 grams (9 teaspoons) of added sugar per day, and women aim for no more than 24 grams (6 teaspoons) of added sugar per day. Remember, reducing your intake of added sugars in your coffee will also help reduce calories!

To summarize: Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world for a number of reasons. By trying these 7 nutrition and flavor-boosting ideas, you can enjoy the amazing benefits of coffee without sacrificing your health!

Written by Holly Moran, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES and Splenda medical team members.

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