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HomeItalian NewsItalian word of the day: Fango (mud)

Italian word of the day: Fango (mud)

When my son puts on his wellies, the first thing he does is find a mud puddle and jump into it, just like his favorite character, Peppa Pig!

The Italian word is earth sounds appropriate earth. It is derived from the Gothic term *van nigersmeaning muddy.

Because it is a masculine noun, it requires the following definite and indefinite articles. Remember that in the plural form, -go become -record In order to retain the hard sound of G.

  • tuba = tuba
  • mud = mud
  • a piece of mud = a piece of mud
  • Sludge volume = (some) mud

Here are some verbs you often see in… earth:

  • wallowing in mud = wallowing in mud
  • wallowing in mud = wallowing in mud
  • Splattered with mud = splashed with mud
Happy woman playing with three children on muddy fieldHappy woman playing with three children on muddy field

Although muddy can be expressed using adjectives muddyyou will often hear the translation covered in mud (literally “covered with dirt”) or covered in mud (literally “covered with dirt”) instead.

certainly, earth It can generally be used to refer to any cohesive mixture of soil and water, but it is also a more technical geological term referring to natural deposits composed of clay, organic and inorganic matter, and water, called earth or slime in English.For example, we have hot mud (hot mud), sea ​​mud (sea ​​mud) and radioactive mud (Radiolarian Ooze).

Travertine spa details. Natural limestone formation.Travertine spa details. Natural limestone formation.

earth Can also be used as a metaphor humiliation, abjection, insult or defamation. It often appears in the following three idiomatic expressions:

  • Throw mud at someone (literally “to throw mud at someone”) or throw someone into the mud (literally “throw someone into the mud”) = To speak ill of someone/slander them/slander
  • fell into the mud (Literally means “falling into the mud”) = fell into the gutter
  • dragged into the mud (literally “drag through the mud”) = Drag through swamp/mud

also appears in expressions mud machine (literally “mud machine”). It refers to an orchestrated smear campaign by one or more media outlets, often relying on unreliable evidence and news.In English, the closest expression is character assassination.

Finally, let’s take a quick look at some related terms:

  • earth bath = earth bath (Make mud = Take a mud bath)
  • mudslide = mudslide / mudslide
  • mud fight = mud wrestling
  • earth cake = earth cake
  • native fish = native fish

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