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HomeAsian NewsLaos to boost online gambling industry

Laos to boost online gambling industry

Laos plans to issue regulations targeting offshore online gambling businesses, aimed at attracting operators targeting other markets in Southeast Asia, particularly non-gambling countries such as Thailand and Vietnam.

In a model similar to Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators or POGOs, licensed operators can set up online gaming operations in Laos, but may not accept clients located in the country, including various specialist news portals Online gaming business and Gambling News report.

Danny Too, a consultant assisting the Lao government, said the government is currently working on regulations for the industry and plans to issue guidelines for license applications soon, the report said.

Main License and Sublicenses

Initially, the master license will be issued to a small number of businesses, who can then outsource sub-licenses to more businesses, Too said.

He added that the move was mainly due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Laos’ gaming industry.

Before the pandemic, the country had been largely reliant on its brick-and-mortar gambling business, but that is now changing as the fallout from Covid-19 has had a considerable impact on the gambling industry.

Since Laos only operates physical properties, it has been completely cut off from this revenue, negatively affecting public finances. At the same time, there has been a surge in illegal online gambling, further depriving the central government of taxable income.

Prioritize Thai gamblers over Chinese

For Laos, the Philippines is seen as a local example of how the country manages its online gambling operations to collect extra income.

However, while the Philippines has been very concerned about Chinese gamblers, Laos has taken a different path.

Others, such as Thailand, will be at the forefront as China increasingly cracks down on the online gambling industry and warns of “action” against countries that offer sites that offer gambling to their citizens.

Currently, the three main front-runners in obtaining gambling master licenses in Laos are all based in Thailand, the report said.

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Laos plans to issue regulations targeting offshore online gambling businesses, aimed at attracting operators targeting other markets in Southeast Asia, particularly non-gambling countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. In a model similar to Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators or POGOs, licensed operators can set up online gaming operations in Laos, but may not accept customers located in the country, with various specialties including iGaming Business and Gambling News News portal reports. Danny Too, an adviser to the Lao government, said the government is currently drafting…

Laos plans to issue regulations targeting offshore online gambling businesses, aimed at attracting operators targeting other markets in Southeast Asia, particularly non-gambling countries such as Thailand and Vietnam.

In a model similar to Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators or POGOs, licensed operators can set up online gaming operations in Laos, but may not accept clients located in the country, including various specialist news portals Online gaming business and Gambling News report.

Danny Too, a consultant assisting the Lao government, said the government is currently working on regulations for the industry and plans to issue guidelines for license applications soon, the report said.

Main License and Sublicenses

Initially, the master license will be issued to a small number of businesses, who can then outsource sub-licenses to more businesses, Too said.

He added that the move was mainly due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Laos’ gaming industry.

Before the pandemic, the country had been largely reliant on its brick-and-mortar gambling business, but that is now changing as the fallout from Covid-19 has had a considerable impact on the gambling industry.

Since Laos only operates physical properties, it has been completely cut off from this revenue, negatively affecting public finances. At the same time, there has been a surge in illegal online gambling, further depriving the central government of taxable income.

Prioritize Thai gamblers over Chinese

For Laos, the Philippines is seen as a local example of how the country manages its online gambling operations to collect extra income.

However, while the Philippines has been very concerned about Chinese gamblers, Laos has taken a different path.

Others, such as Thailand, will be at the forefront as China increasingly cracks down on the online gambling industry and warns of “action” against countries that offer sites that offer gambling to their citizens.

Currently, the three main front-runners in obtaining gambling master licenses in Laos are all based in Thailand, the report said.

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Investvine has been the unanimous voice of ASEAN news for over a decade. From breaking news to exclusive interviews with key ASEAN leaders, we bring you real and engaging coverage for free – the stories that matter.

Like many news organizations, we are trying to survive in an age of reduced advertising and biased journalism. Our mission is to transcend today’s challenges and map the world of tomorrow through clear, reliable reporting.

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