Get ready for this sport to be over!
Speaking of killing, this is The first day of killing, beauties! challenge – Brand new, 14-day challenge Rock your life!
Perfect for this time of year if you're busy and looking for a short-term commitment that will keep your body moving and help you stay focused on your fitness goals throughout the holidays.
I look forward to cheering you on as you go through this! This is a great way to start a challenge before the New Year, now, in December, many people stop exercising altogether. This will give you the edge to start the new year!
Check out day one here and then Join us and rock your life Complete the challenge with us! let's go!
Beauties, join us in the killing! Challenge to rock your life!
You'll find all of my favorite workout moves mixed in with different forms like ladders, barre, boxing, and sculpting, as well as some specialized stretches, mobility, and yoga.
Start now We'll be singing along all the way to the holidays!
Legs and loot fragments
Click to expand and view all workout instructions
Equipment: Heavy objects, elevated surfaces
Format: Ladder – Complete move 1 for the prescribed number of reps/time, then continue to move 2.
Ladder diagram circuit:
Box Jump(0:30)
- Start by standing facing the box (or any sturdy elevated surface) you want to jump on.
- With your core braced, gently bend your knees and push through your heels to explode onto the balls of your feet against the box (use your arms to push you and land gently on the balls of your feet), landing on your heels and toes, pushing through your hips while standing upright. force.
- Jump or back up and repeat within the allotted time.
- MOD: Cancel the jump and step up alternately with both legs, making sure to drive through your heels as you step onto the box.
Reverse bent knee lunge (8-12)
- Start standing with feet hip-distance apart, core braced, chest straight, and a weight in each hand on your shoulders.
- Step your right foot across and behind you so that your right knee ends up behind your left heel, forming a reverse kneeling lunge. Keep your chest up and be careful not to lean forward past your knees or let your back knee touch the mat.
- Drive through your front heel to return to the starting position.
- Repeat the reverse bent knee lunge on the other side, completing a single rep of this exercise.
- Continue alternating to reach maximum rep range.
- MOD: Remove the weight and perform the move using only your own body weight, or perform a regular reverse lunge.
Each workout kit comes with a free bottle of protein (your choice of flavors!)
workout set Contains a range of what your body needs before, during and after exercise to support lean muscle and optimize recovery. Combine a healthy whole-food diet with a balanced Betty Rocker training program for best results.
Sumo squat(8-12)
- Begin standing with your feet wider than hip-distance in front of an elevated surface, letting your feet naturally point outward.
- Brace your core and return your hips back to your elevated surface, keeping your chest straight (without bending forward), weight back on your heels, and knees actively aligned with your toes.
- When you return to standing, drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes.
- Repeat for your maximum number of reps.
SL hip thrust(8-12)
- Sit on a mat in front of your elevated position and place a weight on your hip crease.
- Press up with your elbows and feet so your back is resting on a raised surface; the edge of the surface should be at the base of your shoulder blades. Your knees should be aligned with your ankles and your feet on the mat.
- Brace your core and push through your heels, lifting your hips and weight toward the ceiling, keeping your knees in line with your toes, squeezing your glutes and pausing at the top.
- In this position, shift the weight into the crease of your right hip and extend your left leg off the mat.
- Lower your hips back to the mat under control and repeat the sequence for maximum reps while keeping your left leg lifted and your hips level with each other.
- Switch sides and repeat sequence for maximum reps.
- MOD: Keep your feet planted on the ground during this exercise and/or perform this sequence without weights.
Lunge Squat Lunge (1:00)
- Start standing with feet hip-distance apart, core braced, chest straight, and a weight in each hand.
- Place your right foot behind you and bend your knees into a reverse lunge, keeping your feet hip-distance apart and maintaining an upright position.
- Use the front foot to return to a standing position, step back with the right foot, and meet the left foot at hip distance.
- As you perform a squat, pull your hips back, brace your core and keep your chest up, making sure your knees are in line with your toes.
- Use your glutes to push back and repeat the reverse lunge with your left foot.
- Repeat this sequence for maximum reps.
- MOD: Remove the weight and perform the move using only your body weight.
Happy Holidays from the Betty Rock Team!
If you're looking for more workouts like this, we have lots of fun options here at Rock Your Life! this Kill it, beauty! challenge This is just one of many paths you can choose, all leading to your success!
Start today and put yourself in the perfect position to start the new year with us!
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post Legs and loot fragments first appeared in betty rocker.