Friday, April 26, 2024
HomeHealthy LifestyleLet the magic of 80/20 work for you!

Let the magic of 80/20 work for you!

Are you going crazy to lose weight and get rid of wrinkles on your bone broth diet? Congratulations!And today, I’ll show you how stay slim and young forever. It’s all here…

if you are doing mine Bone Broth Diet Now, I know you look forward to that finish line! You can’t wait to take some selfies of your beautiful face and body, buy some sexy new clothes, and go to town to show off your stuff.

But you may be thinking about a question: How can you keep winning big?

Fortunately, I have your answer: mine 80/20 plan. This program allows you to enjoy life without regaining weight and wrinkles.i like to say 100% results with only 80% of the work!

On an 80/20 plan, you can eat non-diet foods 20% of the time while sticking to the basic dietary template 80% of the time. This gives you plenty of room for “personal play”. For example, you can indulge in pasta and wine on date night, or popcorn at a Sunday afternoon movie and still keep your weight where you want it to be.

When you’re eating right 80% of the time, your body is so energized and healthy that it can handle the occasional little sin with ease. How awesome is that?

However, I do have one caveat. When you reintroduce foods, I want you to pay close attention to how your body responds to them. When you do, you’ll learn a lot about how specific foods affect your health, mood, skin, and weight.

If you have a history of allergies, autoimmune issues, or other significant health concerns, I would like you to be extra careful when reintroducing foods. If this is the case, I would like you to add foods back into your diet:

  • Reintroduce only one food at a time. Eat enough and you can tell if you’re having a bad reaction to it, but don’t overdo it.

  • If you experience any of the following symptoms within 24 to 36 hours of reintroducing a food, put it back on the “No” list. (You can retest the food later to see if your reaction is just a coincidence.)
    • Constipation, diarrhea, bloating or gas
    • “Brain Fog”
    • Headache
    • joint pain
    • fatigue
    • rash or rash
    • anxiety or depression
  • Wait five days before introducing another food. This will make it easier for you to determine how your body responds to each food.

Here are some additional tips for getting non-diet foods back into your life. Even if you don’t have any health issues, I want you to be careful when reintroducing these foods:

  • gluten. More than 80% of patients have adverse reactions to foods containing gluten. Of all the foods you eliminate on your bone broth diet, this is the one most likely to cause trouble when you reintroduce it. So be careful if you’re adding gluten-containing foods back into your diet! To remember these foods, remember the acronym BROWS.It stands for barley, rye, oats (it doesn’t matter if only if they’re specifically labeled “gluten-free”), wheat, and spelt.
  • dairy products. Dairy is a big cause of digestive problems, and many of my patients find that eating milk or cheese can cause headaches, cracked skin, or sinus problems.
  • sweets. At this point, you’ve got your sugar cravings under control – so give your sweet tooth one small Get excited every now and then. Honey, syrup, maple syrup, coconut sugar, and stevia are all available in limited quantities now (though it’s wise to stay away from table sugar as much as possible, since it’s toxic to your cells). But don’t overeat your sweet tooth or you’ll invite the sugar devil back into your life.

Well, that’s what the 80/20 plan is all about. Follow the diet template 80% of the time and sprinkle some fairy dust the rest of the time. Watch out for tricky foods like gluten and dairy, and limit how much you indulge in sweets.

It sounds simple, but it is magic. Follow this plan and you can prevent those pounds and wrinkles from coming back into your life. You will feel young, energized and energized every day. You’ll say goodbye to yo-yo dieting forever…forever!

Keep thinking big and living boldly!

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