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HomeFamily LifestyleMom Business Marketing 101 – Slime and Belly Laughter

Mom Business Marketing 101 – Slime and Belly Laughter

*This is a collaborative post.

When you're a mom, starting your own business is a great way to ensure you're able to manage your time more efficiently so you don't have to juggle work and parenting commitments while still creating wealth for your children. Your family's future. But, to be fair, it's not easy.

One thing many mompreneurs find particularly difficult is marketing their fledgling business in the first place. Finding your first client is often the hardest part of the process, and once you get over that, everything else becomes a little easier.

That being the case, below we’ll take a look at the mom business marketing essentials you need to know to help you get your business off the ground.

Embrace the chaos: your unique selling point

First things first: Your life may be chaotic, but honey, chaos is your secret weapon. This is what makes you relatable to your audience. Make your real mom experiences part of your brand story. Are there Instagram posts about balancing laptops and toddlers? Yes, please. Tweets about using baby wipes to clean…everything? Absolutely. Your audience will love you for your honesty and humor.

Flyer Printing: Old School But Gold

Now, let's talk about flyer printing. I know, I know, this sounds as old-school as teaching your grandma to use Facebook, but hear me out. In the digital age, the touch of a flyer can actually make your business stand out. Picture this: a beautifully designed flyer, complete with a witty slogan and your child’s artwork as a backdrop, tucked into local cafes, play centers and noticeboards. It's personal, it's local, local business is something a lot of people want to support right now, it's literally begging for attention in a sea of ​​digital noise. Plus, this is a great craft for kids. Who knew printing flyers could be a bonding family activity?

The power of playgroup networks

Forget LinkedIn.When you're a mom on a mission to build a strong and successful family, your local playgroup is the real place to socialize Business for myself. This is a gold mine of potential clients and collaborators. Picture this: Amid the screams and the occasional diaper disaster, you're making connections, exchanging business cards (or napkins with your phone numbers on them – we're flexible), and arranging play dates that double as business meetings. Who says business strategies can’t be discussed when regulating soft games?

Social media: The bustle of nap time

Social media is your best friend when it comes to marketing, especially when you’re on a budget. It’s a place where you can showcase your products, share your mom’s woes to gain empathy, and connect with customers while hiding in the bathroom for five minutes scrolling fast. Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, mom life hacks, and of course, the essential cute kid and pet photos. Remember, every like and share increases your reach, and you can do it all during your nap. Efficiency is our middle name (right after “please stop drawing on the walls”).

Collaboration: “Mama Mafia”

A really great way to start attracting new business is to simply Partner with other mom businesses in the area. There’s an unspoken mom rule that we all want to see each other succeed, so it’s actually not hard to find someone who’s willing to work with you. Collaborate on giveaways, co-host events, or just support each other’s social media posts to get started. It's kind of like forming your own mom mafia, but instead of committing a crime, you're spreading love, support, and business growth. Let’s be honest, there’s nothing scarier about competition than a group of determined moms on a mission, and any school principal will know that.

Guerrilla Marketing: Playground Edition

Who says effective marketing requires a big budget?Next time you're at the playground, be one guerrilla marketing Master, you will soon start to see sales pouring in. What do you do? Start simple and feel free to enter your company name into the conversation. “Oh, this old thing? Just some stuff from my little shop.” Hand out samples like snacks (because let's face it, we always have snacks with us). Turn your buggy into a mobile advertisement; a small sign hanging on the back might catch the attention of another mom who's been looking for what you have to offer.

Email Marketing: More than a Newsletter

If you can, take the time to build an email newsletter that goes beyond just sales pitches. Share stories from your life, offer exclusive discounts, and maybe a recipe or two (because we all need a quick dinner idea every now and then). Make your subscribers feel like they're part of a special club that understands the importance of hiding chocolate from kids.

DIY PR: Become Your Own Hype Squad

Finally, don’t be afraid to brag. Send press releases to local newspapers, get involved in the community, and pitch your story to mom blogs and podcasts. The more you share your journey, the more people will support you – because if there's one thing us moms are good at, it's supporting each other.

As you can see, marketing your mom business is not that difficult once you know what you are doing, all of the above are great starting points, but don’t let the amount of marketing you have to put you off, you can get started Simply include one or two ideas and keep adding to them as you have the time and ability. Marketing a new business is usually a marathon, not a sprint, and it's never a good idea to tackle too many things at once when you have kids to take care of too.

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