Saturday, September 14, 2024
HomeHealthy LifestyleUpper body strength and balance

Upper body strength and balance

Join Coach Neesha from Team Betty Rocker for a quick upper body smash to target your target biceps, chest and shoulders A fun combination of body weight and added resistance moves!

Coach Neesha is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Team Betty Rocker Coach.

This exercise is part of a very fun and balanced training program where we target key body parts throughout the weekly sessions – this is Summer Shred Challengeyou are always invited to join us!

When it comes to training results, the surrounding actions we take are just as important as our movements, such as what we eat, how we move throughout the day, and what bedtime we prioritize. All of these activities help us maximize the muscle-building (and fat-burning) potential of our workouts.

If you want guidance and achieve your fitness goals, I'll list them all for you rock your life, My online home fitness studio and fitness community for women, offering challenge programs and personalized coaching and support.

Now grab some heavy objects and let's go!

I'd love to support you in achieving your goals for the season! So here's a link to join us Shredded Summer Challenge—— in rock your life!

This challenge features a super fun sub-30 minute workout plan (plus a bonus calendar with plans optimized for menopausal rock stars), so everyone is invited!

(Back to rock and roll? Just use the “Return Member” button on the same page!)

Upper body strength and balance

Click to expand and view all workout instructions

Equipment: Weights, elastic bands/towels/straps, optional raised surface
Format: Each action can be performed for up to 1:00 and lasts 3 rounds


surfer popup

  • Begin standing on top of your mat with your core braced and chest straight.
  • Bend your knees, place your hands on the mat, jump your feet back into a high plank position, shoulders stacked over wrists, core braced, back flat, and gaze neutral (not up or down).
  • Jump your feet back to your hands at an angle (like jumping on a surfboard), then stand or jump through your heels.
  • Repeat the allocated time.
  • MOD: To reduce impact, cancel the jump and step your feet outwards and inwards.
    Complete push-ups with your knees on a mat, or complete the entire movement with your hands on a raised surface (bench/couch/chair) rather than on a mat.

2-Way Bicep Curl

  • Begin standing with a weight in your hands, palms facing forward, on your thighs.
  • With your core braced and your shoulders back and down (as if you were leaning against a wall), bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weight to the starting position.
  • Rotate your hands so they face each other and curl the dumbbells to shoulder height.
  • Use control to lower the weight to the starting position. Remember to keep your elbows in your chest during the curl.
  • Repeat the sequence for a specified amount of time.

Arnold Press

  • From a standing or seated position, brace your core and hold a weight in each hand, bending your arms to 90 degrees with your palms facing each other and your upper arms in line with your shoulders.
  • Drawing your shoulder blades together to end up in a 90-degree goalpost position (with your palms facing outward), rotate your arms outward, then extend your arms straight overhead.
  • Reverse the movement until you return to the starting position, palms facing each other.
  • Repeat the allocated time.

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push up and stretch

  • Start in a high plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, core braced, back flat, and gaze neutral (not up or down).
  • Bend your arms and lower yourself to the mat, performing a push-up while keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Notice that your hips and torso move in one line.
  • Keeping your core braced and your back flat, push yourself back to the starting position.
  • Place your right arm straight beside your ear, being careful not to tilt or lift your hips.
  • Place your right hand back on the mat and repeat the sequence for the allotted time, alternating left and right with your arm extended.
  • MOD: Perform this movement in an elevated position by placing your knees on a mat or placing your hands on a raised surface such as a couch/ottoman/bench.

prone towel pull down

  • Start by lying on your mat.
  • Stretch your arms next to your ears, using the band/towel taut between them, brace your core, and lift your arms off the mat.
  • Gently press your pelvis and toes into the mat as you pull the towel toward your chest, draw your elbows back toward your ribcage, and focus on squeezing between your shoulder blades.
  • Re-extend your arms and repeat the sequence for the prescribed time.

Front raise and lateral raise

  • Stand with your core tight, chest lifted, shoulders rolled back, and a weight in each hand.
  • Keeping your chest down and core engaged, raise your arms to your sides, keeping your elbows slightly bent, and lead with your shoulders and elbows, not your wrists.
  • Slowly and under control lower the weights back to your sides.
  • Rotate your palms to face the front of your body and raise your arms straight forward to shoulder height.
  • Lower to starting position and repeat sequence for specified time.

Well done rockstar! The time and energy you invest in yourself and your health can make a huge difference! Let me know what you think of today’s movement in the comments below.

Inviting you to rock your body and your life…

…In my online home fitness studio and women’s fitness community, we not only provide you with great and fun workout challenges, but we also provide you with the information you need to navigate nutritional choices and other actions around you that will help You know (and stay healthy) the best results.

Check out these photos shared by Rock Your Life member and mom of three Bailey in the group…

“I've been doing Betty Rockers workouts since July 2020. I took a progress photo today just to see how far I've come! The first picture is from 7/2020 and the updated pictures are 05/2022. Lost 40 lbs.. and inches! This exercise program and healthier lifestyle has really changed my body and mind! I am currently doing a bikini body challenge and it blows my mind! If a mom of three can do it, so can you!

A one-time exercise is great, but having a plan to follow is even better!

join in My online home fitness studio and women’s fitness community, rock your lifeand get access to the 30-Day Challenge, a powerful support network unlike any other, with new workouts added every week that you can do from the comfort of your own home – and share the journey as we help you achieve your goals!

Click here to start rocking your life today!

post Upper body strength and balance first appeared in betty rocker.

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