Netflix’s live-action remake of Watanabe Shinichiro’s beloved 1998 animation, denimNot only is it true to the animation series on which it is based, but its music comes from the same composer who wrote the original sheet music.
The play takes place in 2071 and centers around a group of bounty hunters known as “cowboys”-Spike Spiegel (John Cho), Jet Black (Mustafa Shakir) and Faye Valentine (Daniella Pineda).
Although their main focus is to hunt fugitives on various planets to make plush (the currency of the world) denim), they must also fight against their dark past.
The soundtrack of the show offsets this new black story about outlaws and cunning deals, and for obvious reasons, it adopts the Bebop style.
Here is what you need to know about denim Theme tunes, scores and soundtracks.
Who wrote it denim Fraction?
Netflix’s live-action remake music was composed by the same composer as the original Yoko Kanno.
Besides being famous for her work denim, The Japanese composer wrote scores for many popular anime series, including Downpour with Space dude.
She also writes music for indie Ghost in the Shell feature.
What is Beibo?
Classical music expert Rosie Pentreath tells Weekly newspaper: “Bebop is a high-energy, modern jazz style characterized by ultra-fast, free-form chromatic notes that culminate in short, powerful double musical sentences-hence the’bebop’.
“This is a highly improvised style, when it comes to denim, It perfectly echoes the erratic, arbitrary and often unexpected adventures of the characters on the screen. “
Why is denim So outstanding?
According to Pentreath, “What makes Kanno’s Cowboy Bebop soundtrack so iconic is that it is undaunted to devote itself to the Bebop who inspired the series so much.”
She explained: “Compared with the sweet classical style orchestra, high-energy jazz tends to be more prominent in TV or film soundtracks, and appears more deliberately because it deviates from the more’mature’ European and Hollywood film soundtracks. Traditions. .”
Speaking of the theme song itself, Pentreath added: “In addition to incredibly sharp and influential jazz works (listen to the big band-style opening title song, “Tank!”, see what I mean), bebop The injected scores are played by a group of great jazz musicians who were set up specifically to record soundtracks-in 1998, the same again in 2021. You can’t help being overwhelmed by energy.”
Pentreath said these musicians, collectively referred to as “safety belts,” are “incredibly tight and energetic players who are very good at being asked to improvise.”
“Their energetic, intuitive and confident and smooth performances are both exciting and contagious-whether they are listening independently or playing on a TV show.”
Indeed, Watanabe, the creator of the original animation, is a big fan of jazz, which is why the music genre occupies such an important position in the soundtrack.
More importantly, according to Pentreath, “bebop’s improvisational and wandering spirit actually inspired and shaped the plot and style of the show.”
general speaking, denim “Music is different without it.”
how to buy denim Vinyl plastic
And can be streamed on Spotify and Apple Fans of music and shows can buy vinyl records of the original sheet music.
The limited edition LP of Sony Music and Milan Records is priced at approximately US$43.00 and can be purchased from websites such as Funimation and All the Anime.
Cowboy Bebop is now available on Netflix.