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HomeMarketing8 White Hat SEO Techniques to Double Your Search Traffic

8 White Hat SEO Techniques to Double Your Search Traffic

Stuck in a silent optimization loop?

This article uncovers white hat techniques that may double, triple or even 10x your organic search traffic.

The Google website ranking system consists of a series of algorithms designed to provide the “best” results.

These algorithms take into account many factors, including words in the query, relevance, page availability, source expertise, geographic location, and settings.

Furthermore, the weight of these factors depends on the nature of the query.

For the current topic, freshness is important.

For dictionary type definitions, Page trust and permissions play a greater role.

To make sure the algorithm worked as expected, Google hired a team of quality assessor.

they strictly follow Guidelines Developed by Google to ensure algorithm output meets standards set for page quality and satisfaction. These guides are must-reads for anyone serious about building a top-performing website.

According to Googletheir search algorithm looks at five key factors to determine which results appear at the top of search results:

  • the meaning of your query.
  • Web page relevance.
  • Content quality.
  • Availability of web pages.
  • context and settings.

By addressing these five factors, you’ll put yourself in a position to outperform the competition. Here are some specific tips on how to do this:

1. Mobile First

I started promoting a “mobile-first” approach to SEO back in March 2015, when I dubbed Google’s pending mobile update “Mobile Gordon. “

The name caught on, but on April 21, 2015, the update didn’t cause the huge upheaval expected at the time.

However, it did get everyone to notice that mobile devices are here and are no longer “the future.” Those who didn’t heed the mobile phone’s warnings later paid the price.

today, Google goes all-in on mobile.

If you’re not sure if your site is mobile-friendly, log in to your Search Console account and view the Mobile Usability Report.

Google will report mobile issues there, so you can take appropriate action to comply.

2. Claim your business listing

Google Business Profiles (formerly Google My Business) are free business listings.

Business profiles appear on Google Search, Google Maps, and Google Shopping. If your business has a physical location or travels to customers, You can create business profiles on google.

5 Benefits of Google Business Profiles

  1. It’s free advertising – cheaper than paid search and faster than SEO.
  2. Google Maps/3-Pack favors geographically related businesses.
  3. An optimized profile makes a good first impression.
  4. A good star rating builds trust and provides social proof.
  5. The ability to examine profile performance and gain insight.

As Google continues to improve its ability to deliver hyperlocal results, owning complete and accurate data on someone’s Google Business Profile.

It’s still an easy win, as many businesses haven’t even filed to go public.

3. Improve your page experience

Google’s page experience Defined by a set of signals designed to measure user responses to web pages. This measure goes beyond basic informational value.

it utilizes core network vitalitya set of metrics that measure page load performance, interactivity, and visual stability, and mobile friendliness, HTTPSand Intrusive Interstitial Guide.

How does page experience affect rankings?

In situations where multiple pages may satisfy the relevant search criteria, the page experience has more weight.

Pages that provide popular information still outperform pages that are less relevant but have a better page experience.

in short, page experience Could be a SERP tiebreaker.

4. Focus on User Experience (UX)

Google has always encouraged webmasters to put their primary focus on delivering a good user experience.

Websites that do so will benefit the most as algorithms get “smarter.” A good user experience is much deeper than writing clean code.

according to This research From Oxford Magazine, “The goal of enterprise UX design is to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing usability, ease of use, and fun in interacting with a product.”

For our purposes, your website is the product. The goal is to first identify the user’s intent, and then develop a method for smooth navigation—one that evokes positive emotions and leads to an overall good experience.

include User Experience Best Practices Simple. The web is full of templates and suggestions.

The difference between professionals and amateurs is A/B testing.

Each of us has our own biases that affect how web pages are constructed.

by running a series of experimentsyou’ll be able to quantify what works and what doesn’t, and keep testing until you get it right.

5. Do your keyword research

That’s right – keyword research is still important.

Since Google provides less keyword data, third parties such as Ahrefs and Semrush have developed their own keyword tools to fill this gap.

However, thanks to RankBrain and BERT, the way people perform and use keyword research results has changed.

at its core, RankBrain is machine learning. This allows Google to put things in context instead of just relying on metadata strings. Google can now understand language nuances such as stemming, synonyms, and answers.

BERT is an acronym for Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers.

The main goal is to provide better search results for longer and more conversational searches, where prepositions like “for” and “to” affect the context of the query.

When it launched in October 2019, Google expected BERT to affect 10% of searches in the US.

The new generation of keyword tools takes this into account by generating relevant data such as parent topics, keyword groups, and search intent.

Armed with this information, users can develop context-sensitive content.

6. Develop a sound content marketing plan

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 51% of all respondents said it’s harder to grab an audience’s attention today than it was a year ago.

since Content is one of the top ranking factors on Google, it is important to do it right. This again presents a huge opportunity for those willing to put in the time to make it happen.

Everyone talks about creating “great content,” but what does that really mean?

It really comes down to having useful content, finding the right audience, and reaching those audiences.

This doesn’t have to be a difficult exercise. It comes down to having empathy for your prospects and customers. Ann Handley created the following formula to sum it up:

Useful x Enjoyable x Inspiration = Innovative Content

Great content comes in many different forms. A comprehensive content marketing plan will include a combination of the following:

  • blog.
  • Data-Driven Visual Effects (Original Research).
  • picture.
  • information chart.
  • SlideShare presentations.
  • video.

7. Pay attention to page optimization

Did you know that Google publishes its own A Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization? You do now.

Despite its name, this guide is a great resource for everyone looking to maximize their chances of appearing in Google search results.

The guide covers key on-page fundamentals, including optimization best practices:

  1. page title.
  2. title.
  3. Meta description.
  4. Image alt text.
  5. Structured markup.
  6. Page URL.
  7. Internal links.

Additional resources for improving on-page optimization:

8. Link Building Supercharges All Other Efforts

The day may come when links are less important to rankings, but that day is not here yet. The key is getting the right type of link.

Links related to your website. Links that require human editor review. The type of link obtained.

My favorite way to get relevant links is to set up a resource center. The Resource Center works on almost any type of website. In addition to attracting links, a good resource center also helps build trust and authority.

Learn about this method and more by downloading SEO Link Building: The Complete Guide.

bottom line

Organic search is a game of inches. There is no single best way to control the SERPs. But it doesn’t need to be overwhelming.

If you only focus on the eight areas described above, your traffic can double, triple or even 10x.

More resources:

Featured Image: goodbishop/Shutterstock

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