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HomeWorld NewsFacebook, Google, Twitter say they may withdraw from Hong Kong due to...

Facebook, Google, Twitter say they may withdraw from Hong Kong due to proposed data law-report

The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that American technology giants Facebook Inc, Alphabet Inc’s Google and Twitter Inc have privately warned the Hong Kong government that if the authorities continue to amend data protection laws as planned, they may stop providing services in the city. A letter.

The paper added that these laws may make technology companies responsible for malicious sharing of personal information online.

According to the “Wall Street Journal”, a letter from an industry organization including Internet companies stated that the company was worried that the planned rules to solve the “doxing” problem might expose their employees to online postings with company users. Content-related criminal investigation or prosecution risk.

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Doxing is an act of disclosing personal information such as people’s real names, home addresses, or work units on the Internet without the user’s permission.

Facebook, Google and Twitter did not immediately respond to Reuters’ requests for comment.

The newspaper said that the Hong Kong Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau proposed in May to amend the city’s data protection law and said it was necessary to combat human flesh searches, a practice that was common in the city’s 2019 protests.

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According to the report, the letter dated June 25 was sent by the Asian Internet Alliance headquartered in Singapore.

“The only way to avoid imposing these sanctions on technology companies is to avoid investing and providing services in Hong Kong,” the Wall Street Journal quoted the letter as saying.

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