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HomeItalian NewsAdvanced #5-Virtual Bubble-Italian Podcast

Advanced #5-Virtual Bubble-Italian Podcast

Welcome to the Italian podcast. In this advanced episode, I will tell you a phenomenon that is characteristic of today’s social media, and according to many people, it has greatly affected our political life.

Many people around the world have Less talk (To say the least) Surprised by the results of the US presidential election. Given that it has been widely discussed in recent days, I do not want to discuss the merits of the results. What do i want to stay on (I want to focus on) Instead, it’s the role of social media and social networks. In my opinion, they are very relevant to the U.S. election campaign, and in general, it assumes more and more important (become more and more important) In the political life of each of us. More specifically, I want to talk about a phenomenon sometimes called “echo chamber” or “filter bubble” in English.I don’t think there is in Italian Established denomination (Created name); I choose to call them “virtual bubbles”. What is it about?What I mean by “virtual bubble” refers to the situation of our “feeds” or message boards on social networks mirror (reflect) And to a large extent confirm our point of view, in some cases compulsively repeat it Take it to the extreme (To the extreme). More in some social networks than others (all Twitter) We often happen to (Many times we [happen to]) Only focus on people who have the same opinions as us. At least according to many people, it’s easier to see content written and shared by like-minded friends on Facebook. What followed (Result/it follows) It is our impression of reality that is not always correct: in our opinion, the whole world or almost thinks like us, we always hear only one voice, and only the arguing party. we believe impossible (We think it is impossible) Someone can refute our ideas. But we were wrong, and from time to time.

The result is a strong polarization of thought. For all those who did not vote and did not support Trump, the US election is a good example.However, I think the same will happen in contrast (If the opposite happens), Or If it is a winner Hillary Clinton (If Hillary Clint is the winner). the two of them Opposing factions (Opposition, faction) – if so do not know (do not know) The existence of the other, at least disdainful (Disdain) of Naive (Naive/not clever!) Stupidity with the other party-they don’t communicate with each other, they don’t try to understand the opinions of those who disagree with them and the reasons for their disagreement obviously (Dramatically, so much). We are constantly bombarded with news, posts, sharing, memes (or “memes” if we speak in Italian), and images that appear frequently Cleverly built (made up) make us indignation (enraged) And lead us The brain releases dopamine every day (A surge of dopamine in the brain every day) We are used to and addicted. in some sense, We are immersed in this indignation (We are immersed in this indignation/anger) In this anger, we point the finger at our opponent. We prefer personal attacks and mockery, rather than dialogue with people who have different ideas. Add facts (Also consider) Some media use this situation to make news, even if it is not completely wrong, it also contains many inaccuracies. Therefore, the opposition even disagrees with facts and objective information that should not be the reason for any discussion!Everyone gets different information, compromise one any (Any possibility) Peaceful discussion.In fact, if our information is To the opposite (It is opposite).

This was reflected in the recent U.S. elections, but not only that. Personally, I am more and more aware of the way Italian politics are discussed on social media. I think the situation in your country is not very different.

Many people believe that the algorithms used in social media can lead toTighten (deterioration) this problem, Suggest to us (Here refers to Show us) Only the opinion of the most uncomfortable person. This seems to be what is happening on Facebook, even though Zuckerberg categorically denies that Facebook exerted pressure on the results of the US election and its platform promoted the spread of fake news. Many people disagree.Fake news is spreading and it is Under everyone’s eyes (Bprior to everyone’s eyes) , Including mine. One of the most striking examples (One of the most striking examples) It was the fake news that Pope Francis announced his support for Trump.

I’m not an expert in this area, but my feeling is that social media has plunged us into a kind of intellectual isolation. In this case, we are still closed in the “virtual bubble” we welcome, where we can be more ethical and intellectual. Full of confidence and superiority, disdain for any other opinions. Those who think differently from us are stupid, racist, feel good, etc. These are some of the adjectives I often see on Facebook.
I think maybe Incorrect (wrongly), In the past like this One-sided (One-sided) The opinion does not exist.Of course, many people always like to read newspapers and TV news with similar views, but in my opinion bias (partisan) This does not almost completely isolate us from opposition.I think in general, all news, not all, but on average, provide more diverse and neutral opinions, and the risk of news From scratch (Completely fabricated) Is secondary. The data also shows that social media is the main news source for more and more people.This is dangerous because algorithms that characterize the functions of social networks will lead to the formation of “virtual bubbles” or “echo chambers”, in which only sounds similar to us sound, and those who scream at us have already thought and done slide (slip) Our opinion on one extreme Ideological pedigree (Ideological Spectrum) They almost completely closed our access to items we didn’t like.

This is today’s show, I hope you like it. The subject is complicated, but very interesting. As usual, you will find transcriptions of texts and translations of more complex terms on the website.

Until next time!

Untranslated version

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