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HomeWorld NewsCovid-19: WHO calls for suspension of booster dose of vaccine before the...

Covid-19: WHO calls for suspension of booster dose of vaccine before the end of September

The WHO has called for a moratorium on intensified injections.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization Tan Desai said on Wednesday that the World Health Organization has called for a suspension of the use of Covid-19 vaccine boosters until at least the end of September.

Tan Desai said the move is to vaccinate at least 10% of the population in each country.

Tedros added: “I understand that all governments are worried about protecting their people from the delta variant. But we cannot accept that countries that already use most of the global vaccine supply use more vaccines.”

Last week, Israeli President Isaac Herzog received a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine and launched a campaign to provide a booster dose for people over 60 years old as a way to slow down the highly infectious delta variant. Part of the country’s dissemination efforts.

The United States signed an agreement with Pfizer and German partner BioNTech in July to purchase 200 million additional doses of Covid-19 vaccine to help with pediatric vaccination and possible booster injections.

Catherine O’Brien, WHO Director of Immunization Vaccines and Biological Products, told reporters: “On the contrary, we need to pay attention to those who are most vulnerable and most likely to suffer from serious illness and death in order to receive the first and second doses of the vaccine.”

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