Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Crystal Labyrinth Live Experience Starts a Legal War on Covid-19 Assistance


His manufacturer Crystal maze Live Experience has dealt with Coronavirus disease Aid for the entertainment industry.

The company’s founder, Tom Lionetti Maguire, said the rejection letters it received were “contradictory, untrue and failure”.

“Our intention to seek judicial review is essential to reveal our abuse and abuse by many of our cultural and heritage institutions,” he said. “Ultimately, what we all want is to help our beloved industry recover and continue to make millions of people happy in the years to come.”

The Cultural Renaissance Fund was first announced in July last year to help art venues and organizations that have been hit hard by the pandemic.

Last week, Minister of Culture Oliver Dawden announced the third and final round of grants. He said that financial aid “shows our commitment to support culture and heritage during the pandemic.”

Sir Nicholas Serota, Chairman of the Arts Council of England, called it a “lifeline” and “save the collapse of hundreds of cultural organizations across the country.”

However, some art groups criticized the delay in obtaining financial support and raised concerns about insufficient protection of the supply chain and festivals.

At the G7 summit last month, Mr. Dawden erroneously stated that Cornwall’s famous Minack Theatre was funded, which was quickly rejected by the venue itself.

Mr. Lionetti Maguire operates crystal labyrinth experiences in London and Manchester, and is planning the Dredd Uprising immersive experience. He stated that when the aid application was rejected, his company was regarded as “culturally important” and “culturally unimportant” by the art committee. important”.

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