Saturday, April 27, 2024
HomeItalian NewsDaily Italian: Birbone (naughty/dirty/rascal)

Daily Italian: Birbone (naughty/dirty/rascal)

There are three words I always use to describe my three-year-old son in Italian: naughty, rogue And today, Burburn.

when Burburn conveys meaning dirty or despicablewhich almost always appears in expressions (play) naughty tricks (Play dirty trick).

Alternatively, it can have an intensifying function, emphasizing e.g. Fredo (cold), hot (hot), Fear (Fear), reputation (hunger), seven (Thirsty) etc. For example:

  • very cold (very cold)> It's getting cold, you gangster (the weather is very cold)
  • It's hot (It's hot)> this is a hot gangster (the weather is very hot)
  • Fear (Fear)> Have naughty fears (terrified)
  • hungry (hungry)> Hungry (very hungry)
  • Thirsty (Thirsty)> Have naughty thirst (very thirsty)
A little kid outside in the snow.A little kid outside in the snow.
The child is cold and naughty! = This kid is so cold!

However, most Italian learners are more familiar with this term Burburn Than use adjectives.When used as a noun, it means rogue or naughty boy/girl, usually aimed at can be considered a synonym again and again or rogue.

Cute boy annoys his brother with pillowCute boy annoys his brother with pillow
My brother is a gangster! = My brother is a gangster!

Whether you use it as an adjective or a noun, it has masculine, feminine, and plural forms, as shown below. Note that the masculine singular form is the same as the feminine plural form.

  • Burburn = masculine, singular
  • Bebona = feminine, singular
  • Bilboni = masculine, plural
  • Burburn = feminine, plural

Humorous derivative products Burburn yes Bill Boncello It means exactly the same thing.

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