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HomeItalian NewsDaily Italian: Scioglilingua (tongue twister)

Daily Italian: Scioglilingua (tongue twister)

Lately my son has developed a fascination with tongue twisters, especially the ones that his dear old mom can't say. one tongue twister known in italian as tongue twisterwhich is a combination of verbs melt (melt) and nouns language (Tongue).

tongue twister It is an invariant noun, so its plural form does not change. (That being said, you may hear the plural tongue twister in everyday Italian. -one. The following are its definite and indefinite articles:

  • tongue twister = tongue twister
  • tongue twister = tongue twister
  • tongue twister = tongue twister
  • tongue twister = some tongue twisters

tongue twister is a play on words that is difficult to pronounce due to the use of alliteration and must be recited quickly. They exist in all languages, even sign language (sign language)!

according to Trecani, tongue twister There are two main purposes: some are used as tongue exercises to overcome pronunciation difficulties, while others are designed to make people make ridiculous pronunciation mistakes while reciting rhymes. In the first case they are called tongue twister (or Tongue wake-up calland wake up meaning “to wake up”), in the second case they are called Butterfly or quarrel. many actor (actor), singer (singer), and conductor (host) recite often tongue twister to enhance their wording.

Did you know…

In Spanish, a tongue twister called tongue twister (“tongue interference”) while the German word tongue twister Literally means “cut off tongue”?

Although there isn't much to say about the word itself, this article provides a great opportunity to explore some of the most famous tongue twister in Italian. Can you name them without stumbling?

Child shows his tongue close-up.Child shows his tongue close-up.

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