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Does Your Dog Smell When She’s Scared?What Your Dog’s Anal Glands Are Trying to Tell You

Has your dog ever felt nervous or agitated – and suddenly had a pungent, fishy, ​​almost metallic or iron-like smell?

Then you too are a victim of your dog’s anal glands.

Like clockwork, Matilda stinks when we’re with new friends, and sometimes when she sees exciting things outside. If I hold her, I get a couple of little greasy brown stains on my clothes.

I’ve noticed that some dogs are more… expressive than others. I wonder if Matilda’s glands are just working as intended, or if those foul-smelling outbreaks are a sign she needs any special discovery is charming.

What Exactly Are Your Dog’s Anal Glands?

Anal glands are located on either side of a dog’s anus. These are very similar to the skunk’s glands, which are released as a spray to ward off predators.

Likewise, a dog’s anal glands contract when startled or stressed, but it’s not voluntary and doesn’t release a spray, so it doesn’t serve an actual evolutionary purpose. A skunk’s anal glands can temporarily blind you. A dog will only ruin a few minutes of your life.

The main function of a dog’s anal glands is to communicate with other dogs through scent. Normally, a dog’s anal glands empty during a bowel movement. Most of us know that dogs urinate to mark territory for other dogs — but what’s less known is that their anal glands do the same.

Dogs also zero each other’s anal glands when they greet each other. That’s what the ritualistic ass-sniffing is all about. If a dog is nervous about meeting another dog, their anal glands’ signature scent will be evident.

Occasionally, dogs with chronic impacted or infected anal glands may have their glands surgically removed by a veterinarian. This may affect their ability to communicate with other dogs, but may be necessary if ongoing gland problems are affecting their health and quality of life.

Why Some Dogs Have Overactive Anal Glands

In some dogs, the anal glands don’t empty completely when they poop.

This may be due to their diet. If a dog’s poo is too soft, it may not hold up against their glands as it passes. This is why anal gland supplements are often rich in fiber that fills the stool. Larger, harder stools put pressure on these glands so that they empty completely.

Glands that don’t empty properly can leak when your dog is scared, excited, and they can leak when your dog is sleeping.

If the gland is not emptied, the fluid inside can actually thicken and harden, causing a painful impaction. The gland may become infected or even burst. I don’t want to imagine that feeling or smell.

In addition to diet, a dog’s natural anatomy can also affect their body’s ability to empty the glands on its own. In general, small dogs tend to have structural problems.

Orthopedic issues, small bladders, breathing issues – it makes sense that small dogs can have all sorts of health issues because of the way we shrink them from wolf-like.

Small dogs are more prone to anal gland dysfunction, which may be why little Matilda, a five-pound Chihuahua mix, has more expressive anal glands than other dogs.

How to Stop Anal Gland Leakage

As for Matilda, we haven’t experienced any impaction or infection, just the occasional bad smell overnight when she’s stressed. Of course, this only happens when I change the sheets the day before.

Since she switched to Honest Kitchen dehydrated dog food, I’ve noticed a noticeable reduction in the incidence of her anal glands – she loves it, and because of the high fiber content, her glands love it too. Fiber snacks like baby carrots also seem to help.

If we were going somewhere Matilda might be nervous, like before we went to the vet, we would go the long way to make sure she pooped so she would have a chance to empty her glands early.

If all else fails, I put a rag on my lap, or drape over my arm as she sits, so my clothes are secure.

Anal gland fluid is oily and does not flow out with water. When you need to clean up, any type of soap or detergent will do. If your dog tends to leak urine when you’re out, you can carry pet wipes or mild baby wipes.

Lindsay Peffney
Lindsay Pevny is dedicated to helping pet parents make the best choices for their pets by providing actionable, science-based training and care tips as well as insightful pet product reviews.

she also uses her pet copywriting business Make sure to find the best pet products and services online with engaging copywriting and fun, informative blog posts.she also offers Product Description Writing Services for e-commerce companies.

As Matilda and Cow’s dog mom, she spends most of her days on long walks and practicing new tricks, and most evenings trying to make the most of the very modest part of her bed.

You’ll also find her baking and homemade pizza, laughing, painting and shopping.

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