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Homepet healthHow long does the dog sleep? (a lot of!)

How long does the dog sleep? (a lot of!)

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Dogs’ sleep patterns are quite different from those of humans, and the amount of sleep a dog gets depends on size and breed. Generally speaking, smaller breed dogs require less sleep than larger breed dogs.

an inactive dog, spend most of the time at home, In the yard or indoors, dogs are more likely to sleep than dogs outdoors in the park or on walks with their owners.

dog sleep stages

Because dogs don’t have the same regular sleep patterns as humans, they tend to need more rest to reach the REM phase of sleep.

The first stage of sleep is called slow wave sleep (SWS). It occurs when there is less brain activity and slower mental function, but the body is still alert.

The second stage of sleep is called rapid eye movement, more commonly known as rapid eye movement, which is a type of deep sleep when brain activity in the brain is significantly higher, with noticeable eye movements, body twitching and noise.

For example, humans tend to spend 20% to 25% of their sleep time in REM, while puppy Only spend 8% to 12% in REM sleep mode.

How long does the dog sleep?

On average, dogs tend to sleep 12 to 14 hours a day, but if you think this duration applies to every dog, you’d be wrong. The amount of sleep a dog gets in a day depends on whether it’s a puppy, an adult, or an older dog.

First, puppies sleep all day because they need to recover. Amazingly, puppies can sleep up to 20 hours a day. On the other hand, an average old dog sleeps about 12 hours a day.

Also, just like seniors, even older dogs need more rest than the average adult dog. In the case of older dogs, they can sleep up to 15 hours a day, and they have been recorded to sleep for up to 20 hours.

Which age group of dogs sleep the most?

If you think dogs sleep the same amount of time throughout their lives, you are definitely wrong. A dog’s nap depends on its body age and several related factors. Let’s take a look at them.


Puppies usually sleep about 18 to 20 hours a day. At this stage, puppies are growing very fast and they are experiencing new sights, sounds and smells.

Puppies need constant energy in order to process what they’re going through in the real world, and sleep provides them with the opportunity to restore that energy.


Puppies 1 to 5 years old sleep about 12 to 14 hours a day. There is no specific reason for this nap time. Generally, dogs sleep for about half a day, which includes daytime naps and overnight sleep periods.

old dog

Older dogs also sleep about 18 hours a day due to lower energy levels and poor health. Older dogs often suffer from health problems such as diabetes, arthritis, and hypothyroidism, which can cause them to sleep longer.

Do dogs dream?

Since humans dream during the REM phase of sleep, many may wonder if dogs also dream.

You may notice that when your dog sleeps, he often makes noises and movements, sometimes a little growling, and even looks like he’s kicking or appears to be running. This has long been a topic of debate, but one of the most widely accepted theories is that dreams are a way for the brain to process data on the day’s events. The researchers studied the brain waves of sleeping dogs and compared them to known data on human sleep patterns and found remarkably similar results, leading to the belief that dogs do dream.

Signs your dog isn’t getting enough sleep

Just like humans, animals, including dogs, need plenty of rest and sleep for their bodies to function properly. Keep in mind that if your dog doesn’t get enough sleep, he may develop a weakened immune system, obesity, and other diseases.

While it can be difficult for pet owners to determine if their dog is sleep deprived, you should always watch your dog for certain outward signs. If your dog is sleep deprived, the main symptoms it is bound to exhibit are an inability to understand and recall basic commands your dog is comfortable with, persistent irritability, prolonged disorientation and difficulty performing basic tasks.

Additionally, you may also notice that your dog has lost interest in doing things he loves. For example, they may lose interest in playing games or going to the dog park, which they would otherwise enjoy. They may lose their appetite and refuse to chew their favorite foods!

Factors that determine how long a dog sleeps

Determining how much sleep your dog needs during the day depends on several factors:

age of dog. For example, a puppy sleeps up to 18 hours a day. Older dogs also tend to sleep more—as the body begins to age and slow down, it needs more sleep time.

The dog’s activity level. The more active the dog, the less sleep it needs. Inactive dogs get bored more quickly, so they tend to nap more often.

dog diet. There are many poor quality dog ​​foods on the market that contain a lot of fillers and lack enough vitamins and minerals that a healthy dog ​​needs. Lack of proper nutrition and energy levels provided by quality products can make dogs tired and affect their sleep patterns. It is advisable to get proper advice when feeding your dog.

As mentioned above, the size and breed of the dog has a certain impact on the amount of sleep needed; larger dogs require more sleep than smaller breeds.

Why does my dog ​​sleep like this?

Like their human counterparts, most dogs have their own favorite sleeping positions. The most common sleeping positions are:

sleep beside themThe most common position for relaxed dogs is to sleep on their side or prone with their paws outstretched, usually a nap.

sleep on their backsFacebook and YouTube are full of hilarious pictures and videos of the pose: the dog is lying on its back with its paws in the air. One of the reasons for this may be exposing the abdomen to the elements. Since the belly is almost fur-free, this helps cool down in hot weather. Another possible reason is that this helps muscles relax, which leads to greater comfort.

curl up like a ball to sleepAlthough this is not a very relaxing way to sleep because the dog needs to use the muscles to maintain this position, it is still very common. A dog in this position is alert and ready to respond.

Sleep back to back. If your dog touches you or another dog while sleeping, it shows your love and attachment. Pack dogs usually sleep next to each other, which is the original way dogs show this attachment.

The environment in which a dog sleeps can also affect the amount of rest it gets. Dogs will generally sleep anywhere, but just like humans, they also want a comfortable place to sleep on a regular basis. Some dogs prefer to sleep under a table or bed, while others prefer a blanket or cushion for a relaxing sleep. Providing your dog a comfortable sleeping spot will go a long way in ensuring a restful, relaxing night’s sleep.

dog sleep mode

When should I be concerned about my dog’s sleep habits?

It’s best to monitor your dog’s sleep habits, as they may indicate health problems or other factors at play.

If the dog appears sluggish and shows signs of discomfort, it may have a parasitic or flea infection, arthritis, hip dysplasia, allergies, or a urinary tract infection.

As in humans, old age can lead to the development of painful conditions such as arthritis.

If your dog is taking medication after being sick, it may be a reaction or side effect to the medication.

Dogs can suffer from stress, anxiety, or depression, which can be disruptive to your dog due to a favorite family member being away for an extended period of time or moving to a different house in a different area.

In general, if you feel that your dog is not getting enough sleep, or that the dog may have some medical reason for not getting enough sleep or getting too much sleep, it is best to take him to the veterinarian for a checkup.This may just be a case of improvement A dog’s diet or taking the dog for a run Near the block on weekends.

Does your dog suffer from a sleep disorder?

Whether or not your dog has a sleep disorder, you may need to assess physiological processes such as cognition, physical ability, immune response, pain perception, and disease risk. Certain narcolepsy, REM sleep behavior disorder, and sleep-disordered breathing are the most common conditions that can disrupt a dog’s ability to sleep.

In addition, sleep problems may be a hallmark of other primary disorders that may increase clinical symptoms.

Sleep disturbances can affect your furry friend, and you should watch for certain physical signs. These conditions include: loud snoring, insomnia, continuous pacing at night, restlessness during normal sleep hours, body movement during sleep, and sudden collapse after any physical activity.

Therefore, if you experience these symptoms for a prolonged period of time, then you need to seek medical help for your pet companion as soon as possible.

common problem

Is it normal for dogs to sleep all day?

Yes, dogs do sleep for hours. On average, a dog sleeps 12-13 hours a day, including nap time, day or night. Also, if you have a puppy, it will need longer sleep periods, usually around 19 hours a day, until they are almost 3 months old.

However, if you notice an apparently healthy dog ​​sleeping for more than half a day, consult your veterinarian, as this may indicate a serious problem.

Is it normal for a dog to sleep 20 hours a day?

While an average dog sleeps only half a day or so, it’s not natural for a dog to sleep 20 hours a day, unless it’s a sick dog, an old dog, or a newborn puppy. So if your dog sleeps 20 hours a day, it could be a sign of a serious health problem and it’s best to get them to the vet on time.

Are sleeping dogs happy?

It’s normal for a dog to sleep 12 to 14 hours a day, and as long as they sleep that long, it’s perfectly normal and nothing wrong. Conversely, well-rested and well-rested dogs are very happy, playful, and happy. But sleeping more than 14 hours a day can be a sign of other physical ailments. Therefore, this issue should be given due consideration.

Will my dog ​​get depressed if he sleeps all day?

Most of us know that dogs sleep about 12 hours a day. Additionally, dogs who were alone were more prone to sleep tendencies when their owners had to go to the office. But when the owner comes home, a regular dog is sure to get excited, greet them and wag their tails.

But if a dog doesn’t exhibit any of these traits, then there’s something wrong with your dog, which could be physical or mental. You may be shocked to hear this, but if your dog is sleeping all day, your dog may be suffering from acute depression and it may need medical attention.

Which breed of dog sleeps the most?

While, on average, most dogs like to sleep for about half a day, some dog breeds like to sleep more than others. Some breeds that prefer rest and sleep more than other dogs are Shih Tzu, French Bulldog, Lhasa Apso, Basset Hound, Pug, Chow Chow and Cocker Spaniel, Pekingese, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees Dog and St. Bernard.

Why do dogs stick their tongues out when they sleep?

First, it’s perfectly normal for a dog to sleep with its tongue sticking out. The main reason behind this is that dogs try to regulate their body temperature by sticking their tongues out while they sleep. This may be due to your dog being extremely dehydrated.

Otherwise, the dog will feel relaxed and comfortable while sleeping. You’ll also notice that they don’t sleep with their tongues sticking out for long, and once they wake up from a deep sleep or change positions, they bite their tongues back into their mouths.

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