Monday, January 13, 2025
HomeMarketingHow we go viral: influencer content, advertising and public relations

How we go viral: influencer content, advertising and public relations

We sent about 20 short e-mails of this kind to various reporters and got a lot of useful feedback and ideas, which we included in our research. We shared early findings with influential people and solicited their opinions and insights. The content influencers we contacted include Ann Handley, Michael Brenner, Andy Crestodina, Larry Kim, Robert Rose, and Heidi Cohen. We included many of their comments in the final post, which enriched the post and our research.

A large part of our participation resulted in compelling placements and links.For example, we were subsequently written in Nieman Lab, Company magazine, Marketing expert, with Forbes. These are the results of influencer/reporter outreach before posting.

Contacting influential people and journalists before publication also helped us validate our ideas. All our emails contain the preliminary title of the post (“Analysis of 100 million titles”). If no one responds to our emails or questions, it may mean that there is little interest in the idea and it is not worth pursuing. But in fact, many people responded and convinced us that this is a content idea worth writing.

what happened?the first week

We posted a post on Monday and vigorously promoted our multi-channel approach on the first day, namely direct mail, paid advertising, social sharing, and influencer sharing.

The traffic of our blog in the first week is as follows.

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