Friday, April 26, 2024
HomeWorld NewsIranian pipeline explosion killed 3 people during cleaning: Ministry

Iranian pipeline explosion killed 3 people during cleaning: Ministry

An alleged underworld figure was killed.

According to a report by the Iranian Oil Ministry’s Shana Agency, three workers were killed in an explosion in Iran on Tuesday while trying to maintain an oil pipeline in the western part of the country.

It said the explosion occurred at a facility operated by a subsidiary of the state-owned Iranian National Petroleum Corporation in Ilam province and injured four people.

“The explosion occurred during the overhaul of a 20-inch-long oil pipeline [from the Cheshmeh-Khosh field] To Ahwaz,” the capital of Khuzestan Province, it said.

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It said the explosion occurred when they started the cleanup operation, adding that the fire was under control and the area was protected.

Industrial accidents occur frequently in Iran, and US sanctions have made it difficult to maintain and import new mechanical parts.

But given the tension with Israel, many people in the country often suspect that the Israeli secret service is behind certain incidents.

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