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HomeItalian NewsItalian vocabulary of the day: Parola (words)

Italian vocabulary of the day: Parola (words)

Have you ever thought about the important role words play in our society? Words are more than symbols; they hold enormous power, shaping our thoughts, emotions and interactions. Without words, we would be unable to express our thoughts, communicate complex emotions, share knowledge and communicate with others. (Not to mention our content has very little Italian daily newsletter! 😉)

so what does the word mean word In Italian?This is wordif you think it sounds similar to the English word speechyou are right: they originate from the same root.

italian word

word can be traced back to the latin word parabolaEvolved into Medieval Latin term *word In the first half of the 13th century.

It is a feminine noun, so it takes the following definite and indefinite articles:

  • the word = the word
  • the word = if
  • a word = a word
  • some words = (some words

I learned a new word today.

I learned a new word today.

Some common idioms that Italians use in everyday speech include word by word (word by word), In short / colloquially (in short, long story short), and one word (Summarize).

Young blond woman using mobile phone and doesn't understand.
I can’t understand a word of what you’re saying! = I can’t understand what you’re saying!

Like English, word (especially the plural speech) can also be translated as word/Character meaning is Comment, speech or gossip Depends on the context. For example:

  • speechless = speechless (literally keep silent)
  • these are just words = it’s just small talk
  • final say = final say (i.e. the last sentence)
  • get ready for the word = has a ready answer

When someone deliberately uses too many words for the sake of ambiguity or avoidance, it can be described as using turn In Italian, it literally means “turn

No more nonsense, let’s get to the point!

Enough of beating around the bush, let’s get to the point!

can also mean speech In general, when used with the article, like the human ability to speak this (this).

The word is one of the most important things a human being possesses.

Speech is one of the most important things humans possess.

By extension, it can also mean way of using words or chatter gift.(have the gift of speaking = eloquent / eloquent)

woman with headache
The stroke left her unable to speak. = The stroke took away her words.

much like the english term wordItalian word can also mean promise, ensure, recommendor one man’s account of the truth. Consider the following idiomatic expressions:

  • You have my word! = You have my word!
  • Good promise = walk the talk
  • no sooner said than done = walk the talk
  • believe your word = believe someone’s word
  • lack of words = renege on promise
  • man of his word = man of his word
  • say something nice = say something nice

It is by this definition that the connection with the English term speech becomes obvious as it refers to the release of prisoners based on promises of good behaviour.

password (lit. word of order) is whisper, Codewordand password. However, Italians use English terms when referring to computers and technology password instead. Key wordson the other hand, means Key words.

Another alternative definition is information or teachingespecially from higher beings (such as word of god = word of god).

woman reading bible
Trust the word of God. = She believed the word of God.

word can refer to someone The right to speakIt can be seen from the expression let / leave / speak (to someone / hand over / to speak).

finally derogatory version bad language is the translation of a bad language.

Stop swearing!

Stop swearing!

To wrap up the article, here is a selection of useful expressions featuring the word word You can incorporate it into everyday conversations with Italian friends. enjoy!

is a word!

Literal translation: is a word!
English meaning: easy to say, hard to do! / This is no small matter!

I take your word for it.

Literal translation: I take your word for it.
English meaning: I remember your words.


Literal translation: One sentence is enough!
English meaning: Just say one word!

get the words out of your mouth

Literal translation: take words out of someone’s mouth
English meaning: take words out of someone’s mouth

put words in someone’s mouth

Literal translation: put words in someone’s mouth
English meaning: put words in someone’s mouth

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