One day I accidentally left a plastic pot on the hot stove and as you can imagine, it melted onto the burner within minutes. Although cleaning up the mess is a hassle, it really inspired me to write this adjective meltedwhich means melted, molten or liquefied.
fuse from latin Spindlethis is the past participle Fondre significance melt. If you have trouble remembering the word, try comparing it to hot pota dish in which food is dipped in a hot, melted sauce (such as cheese).
As an adjective, it has masculine, feminine and plural forms:
- melted cream = melted cream
- melted glue = melted glue
- melted cheese = melted cheese
- melted plastic = melted plastic
I love pouring melted cream over my popcorn.
I love pouring melted cream over my popcorn.
related to melted is a verb melt (melt/liquefy), which is conjugated in the present tense as follows:
- i melted = i melted
- you fund = you melted (singular, informal)
- his hotpot = he melted
- she melted = she melted
- she melted = you melted (singular, formal)
- we found = we melted
- I will fund = you melted (plural)
- they merge = they melted
fuse It can also be used to describe someone exhausted, worn outor burned out. According to Devoto-Oli, this metaphorical usage comes from automotive terminology, where the verb melt is a synonym clip (catch).
OMG I'M SO HOT! I must go to bed early tonight.
Phew, I'm exhausted. I need to go to bed early tonight.
In this article we focus on melted as an adjective, but you know what? melted Can it also be a noun? In its most basic form, the noun refers to Spindlea long, thin rod or rod used for spinning fibers into thread or yarn. It is from this sense that we get the expression straight as a stick (literally)straight like a spindle“).
noun melted also appears in expressions jet lagwhich means time zone From a geographical perspective. The imported English terms jet lag Used in Italian since the 1980s, you can choose something like thaw or Jet lag/discomfort instead.
What's the best way to counteract melting pain?
What's the best way to combat jet lag?
Melting and Bulking
You may come across the word loose and thought it meant the same thing. Well, technically speaking, loose can mean melted Same meltedbut this usage is uncommon. Italians tend to use loose Refers to goods sold in bulk or unpackaged (e.g. some loose candies = bulk candy).
Heather Broster is a graduate with honors in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario. She is an aspiring polyglot, fluent in English and Italian, as well as varying degrees of fluency in Japanese, Welsh and French. Originally from Toronto, Heather has lived in several countries, notably Italy for six years. Her main research areas are language acquisition, education and bilingual teaching.