Note for users of Microsoft browsers (Edge and Internet Explorer)…
In the past few months A few people complained to me that some functions of the website did not work (for them). Foolproof Everyone experiencing the problem is using Microsoft’s Edge or Internet Explorer web browser.
Things like not being able to see the website Pop-up chart, Or Full page chart function Or nothing happens when clicked “Add to Watchlist” or “Add to Portfolio” button. There may be other things that are also broken. basically, If you are using a Microsoft browser and you have encountered clicks/tappings when clicking/tapping things but nothing happens, it may be because your browser is malfunctioning. All the above functions are in Chrome alloy, Firefox, Safari and even Android (Chrome) devices and iOS (Safari) devices.
I’m not sure why Microsoft browsers refuse to work-for whatever reason, they cannot properly execute the Javascript on this site. The only solution I came up with is to use a different browser- Chrome alloy, Firefox or opera Both are good choices.
If you can’t switch browsers, you can try to clear your browser’s cache, but I’m not sure if this works, or if you don’t have to clear it again the next time you update your site. This happens often.
Polystyrene Microsoft recently announced that they actually abandoned their own browsing engine and instead adopted the Google Chrome (Chromium) engine. So you can too Accept this prompt and change your browser now!