Friday, January 24, 2025

New features and website updates

New features and website updates

This is a brief overview of some new things on SwingTadeBot

  • Unlimited number of watchlists and portfolios for Platinum plan subscribers
  • Ability to copy intraday alert configuration from one watch list or portfolio to another
  • If the nightly email summary does not reach your inbox for some reason, you can now view the nightly email summary on the website
  • You can now see intraday percentage changes in more places (except OTCBB), such as tags, ETF holdings, and intraday alert pages
  • Related ETFs for the label
  • Latest news on the label, industry and ETF holding page
  • Enhanced ETF holding page
  • ETF comparison
  • A lot of behind-the-scenes work to improve performance and keep data flowing.

Unlimited number of investment portfolios and watch lists

Platinum plan subscribers Now you can add as many watchlists and portfolios as you need.just Visit one of your existing lists and click the “New” button near the top of the page.

Copy intraday alarm configuration

If you have configured the daily alerts for your watch list or portfolio in the way you like, you can now copy these settings to other lists very easily.just Click the Manage intraday alerts button on the list to be set Then you can choose to copy the configuration from another list.

Online email summary

In the past few weeks, I have been bombarded with messages from people about not receiving emails from this website. I don’t want you to know the details of why this happened, but I have made some changes to help alleviate the pain that some of you are feeling.One of these changes is The nightly email digest is now accessible in real time on the website. Now there is a “View Daily Summary” button dash board This will generate and display your latest summary. I know some of you like to save them for future generations, so one way to do this now is to print the summary as a PDF and save it on your computer/device.

By the way, I may change my email provider during the weekend.Hope that the new provider can achieve better success on some of the more discerning e-mail services (such as AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail)

Related Tags ETF

Now, when viewing the tab (aka keyword) page and the large number of stocks with that tab, you will also see a list of ETFs that hold at least one listed stock.For example, if you visit Electric car tab You will see List of ETFs holding one or more electric vehicle stocks Displayed on this page.

Latest news from more places

Continuing to use electric cars as an example, on the tab page, you will see List of recent news on all electric car stocks . The same concept is continued when viewing the components of the ETF on the industry page.

Enhanced ETF holding page

As I wrote before, I found myself paying more attention to ETFs recently. I often see major changes in an ETF and want to know which of its stocks caused this change. I will check the holdings of ETFs and sort the list of stocks by the percentage change of the day. I can also quickly check whether any of its constituent stocks have any major news.

ETF comparison

You can now compare ETFs side-by-side.You will see comparison tables in several places around the site, including ETF main page. This is an example comparison- QQQJ vs. ARKK

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