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HomeAsian NewsSingapore company accused of exporting alcohol and soft drinks to North Korea

Singapore company accused of exporting alcohol and soft drinks to North Korea

Two Singaporean companies have been accused of exporting whisky, wine and soft drinks to North Korea in the latest case of the city-state’s alleged illicit dealings with North Korea, AFP reported. Since 2006, the trade has violated international sanctions on North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile tests. Singapore officially suspended all trade relations with North Korea in 2017, but there have been some cases of Singapore-registered companies – as well as companies in Malaysia – that have been found to have been delivering goods, including weapons, to Pyongyang. In this latest case, Singapore-incorporated wholesaler 123 Holdings…

Two Singaporean companies have been charged with exporting whisky, wine and soft drinks to North Korea, the latest in the city-state’s alleged illicit trade with North Korea. AFP report.

The trade violates international sanctions on North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile tests since 2006.

Singapore officially suspended all trade relations with North Korea in 2017 experienced multiple cases Singapore registered company – and company In Malaysia – found to have been sending cargo, including weapons, to Pyongyang.

In this latest case, Singapore-incorporated wine and spirits wholesaler and distributor 123 Holdings was charged on May 25 with supplying alcoholic beverages to North Korea via China on five occasions between November 2016 and July 2017. sheet.

Johnnie Walker in Pyongyang

The items — including Chivas and Johnnie Walker Black Label whiskies, Smirnoff vodka and wines from Australia, Chile and France — were worth more than $524,000, the report said.

Wine and spirits are considered designated luxury goods under UN sanctions law. No person or Singaporean citizen nor any company in Singapore is allowed to export any such items to any person or entity in North Korea.

A second Singaporean company, 123 Duty Free, has been charged with five charges for allegedly supplying North Korea with non-alcoholic beverages including milk coffee and strawberry milk between April and August 2018.

Both companies face hefty fines if convicted. Their case was heard again on June 27.

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