Thursday, April 25, 2024
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strong upper body

Get ready to shape and strengthen your upper body Work out with this fun “Knockout”!

Today you’ll be working out with Coach Neesha from the Betty Rocker team – one of our great coaches!

Coach Neesha is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Betty Rocker Team Coach.

Elimination rounds mean that you will eliminate moves as the round progresses. I find this type of training really fun and makes training feel like flying past!

This exercise will shape your shoulders, back and arms, supporting a strong core and great posture. Remember, it’s the actions we take during exercise that help improve our workouts, including how we eat, how we rest and recover, and how we manage stress.

Make sure you’re getting enough protein in all main meals, and for a convenient and clean protein smoothie to add to your total for the day, check out my delicious organic I ❤ chocolate or I ❤ vanilla protein powder!

Take something to resist – like a water bottle, laundry jug or dumbbells, and a raised surface and Join a Neesha trainer and rock your workout!

One of my Rock Your Life members recently asked me if I could create a “workout bag“It included protein powder, collagen and amino acids – so I did! The best part? You can Get a free bottle of protein (flavor of your choice) included in this bundle!

workout bag Contains the range your body needs before, during and after a workout to support lean muscle and optimize recovery. Combine a healthy whole food diet with a balanced Betty Rocker training program for best results.

Enjoy a free bottle of protein (your flavor choice!) with every order.

upper body elimination

Click to expand and view all exercise descriptions

Equipment: Weights (water bottles, dumbbells, household items), optional high chair or wall

Format: 0:30 per person for round 1 (actions 1-9), 0:45 per person for round 2 (actions 1-7), and 1:00 per person for round 3 (actions 1-5).

​​​Move 1: Downward Dog to Cobra

  • Start in a high plank position on the mat, shoulders stacked on wrists, core support, flat back, and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • As you get into Downward Dog, move your hips up and back, keeping your head in line with your arms. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should be reaching toward the mat (knees bent to help with tight hamstrings).
  • Go back to a tall plank, control your abs on the mat, and release your toes so that your toes are on the mat.
  • Put your palms on the mat under your shoulders and use your back to lift your torso off the mat, being careful not to shrug your shoulders (the pelvis, lower ribcage and abdomen will remain on the mat)
  • With control, lower your torso back on the mat, tiptoe, and press yourself back into a high plank position.
  • Repeat this sequence for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform the push-up portion of this sequence on the mat with your knees.

Action 2: Three-Way Biceps Curls

  • Start standing with weights in both hands, palms facing the front of your thighs.
    With your supported core and shoulders back and down (as if they were leaning against a wall), bend your elbows to curl the weight to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weight to the starting position.
  • Rotate at the shoulders so that your palms are now facing out, side to side, and curl the weight to shoulder height.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position, rotate the arms so that the palms are facing the sides of the body, and curl the weights to shoulder height.
  • Note that the elbows are kept inside the ribcage during the curl.
  • Repeat the sequence for the allotted time.

Action 3: Alternate Overhead Press Knee Raise

  • Begin standing with feet hip-distance apart, core supported, shoulders back and down (as if they were leaning against a wall), with a weight on each hand, shoulder-height, palms facing each other.
  • Keeping the core supported, press the right-hand weight straight up over the head, keeping the shoulders in an engaged position forward and backward, not allowing them to rotate forward.
  • As you push your right weight up, stabilize on the mat with your right foot while raising your left knee to hip height.
  • Lower the weight and lift the leg, return control to the starting position and switch sides.
  • Continue to alternate for the specified time.
  • MOD: Do overhead presses and knee raises separately, starting with two weights overhead, then alternately lifting each knee.

Love an on-the-go workout — and a well-thought-out plan for optimal results? Challenge 30 days in rock life And format a workout like this into a plan you can follow!


Action 4: Push-ups with hands on

  • Start in a high plank position on the mat, shoulders stacked on wrists, core supported, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Bend your arms and rest your body on the mat while keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Notice that your hips and torso move in one line.
  • Remaining prone on your stomach, use your upper back muscles to lift your palms off the mat and squeeze between your shoulder blades.
  • Bring your palms back under your shoulders and press yourself back into the high plank position.
  • Repeat the sequence for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform the push-up portion of this sequence on the mat with your knees.

Exercise 5: Triceps Back Attack

  • Stand up with your core supported, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were leaning against a wall), weights in both hands.
  • Lean your hips forward, your body at a 45-degree angle, your back flat, and your shoulders engaged so they don’t bend forward. Let your dumbbells hang under your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Pull your elbows up and back next to your ribcage, performing a triceps rebound by straightening your arms and contracting your triceps.
  • Keep your elbows next to your ribcage as you flex your arms and repeat the rebound from the hinged position for the allotted time.

Move 6: Jumping Jacks

  • Start by standing with feet together, arms at your sides, core supported, and shoulders back and down.
  • As you extend your arms and raise them above your head, spread your feet out at the same time, and notice a shrug of your shoulders now.
  • Bring your feet back together, bring your arms back to your sides, return to the starting position and repeat for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Cancel the jump and alternate feet while raising your arms above your head.

Action 7: High Pull Row

  • With weights in both hands, palms facing body, stand first, feet hip-width apart, core supported, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall).
  • Push your hips back and hinge forward while keeping your back flat, bend your knees slightly, and keep the weight close to your calves.
  • Pull your weight-bearing object up and back evenly for a high-tension row as you cross your feet and squeeze your hips to return to standing, leading with your elbows. Pay attention to the muscles between the shoulder blades.
  • Repeat the sequence for the allotted time.

Exercise 8: Side Knee Drive R

  • Start by standing with your core supported, right foot extended to the side, and arms raised above your head.
  • As you quickly bring your arms to either side of your knees and rotate your torso to face the raised knee, vigorously push your right knee out and up for an oblique crunch.
  • Controlled return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the allotted time, taking care to maintain chest elevation and core support throughout the movement.
  • MOD: Grab the back of the chair or place your hands on the wall to help with balance throughout.

Action 9: Side Knee Drive L

  • Start by standing with your core supported, left foot extended to the side, and arms raised above your head.
  • As you quickly bring your arms to either side of your knees and rotate your torso to face the raised knee, force your left knee out and up to perform a diagonal crunch.
  • Controlled return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the allotted time, taking care to maintain chest elevation and core support throughout the movement.
  • MOD: Grab the back of the chair or place your hands on the wall to help with balance throughout.

Amazing work rock star! I’m so proud of you for showing up today! Please get in touch with Coach Neesha and me and let us know how much you enjoy your workout and anything else you’d like to share – we’d love to hear from you.

Check out this awesome progressive Dennis, rock your life Members, share over the course of just 2 months and 2 challenges!

Looking for a program to help you achieve your goals?

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Can’t wait to see you there!

post strong upper body first appeared in betty rocker.

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