Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Supports dark mode | SwingTradeBot.com

November 27, 2024

I've been busy over the past few weeks updating many of the underlying software libraries used by SwingTradeBot. One of the happy results of the upgrade is that I can more easily deliver “dark mode” for this site. There is now a theme switcher in the top navigation bar:

theme switcher.png 38.43 KB

It will allow you to choose between the following three options:

  1. Always on mode.
  2. Always dark mode.
  3. Auto Mode: This mode will automatically switch to whatever mode your device (phone/desk/computer) is set to. So, for example, if you have Your phone is set to automatically switch between light and dark modes/themes SwingTradeBot will then switch modes together with your phone.

There are still some areas where the color needs to be adjusted. (I just discovered another one while creating this blog post – the toolbar button for creating links has a form with white text on a white background. 😬) If you notice anything where the colors look weird or difficult, please post Comments to read.

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