Friday, April 26, 2024
HomeWorld NewsThree people may be killed in a training plane crash in Lebanon

Three people may be killed in a training plane crash in Lebanon

The Lebanese aviation authority said a small training plane carrying three people crashed in the Keserwan area of ​​the mountainous area north of the Lebanese capital Beirut on Thursday.

Aviation sources said preliminary reports indicated that the pilot and two passengers were killed.

The aviation authority said in a statement that the Cessna 172 aircraft belonged to the flight training company Open Sky Aviation. It took off from Beirut Airport at 13:30 local time and crashed in Ghosta village 20 minutes later.

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Open Sky could not be reached immediately for comment.

The authorities said that the Minister of Public Works and Transportation has set up a committee to investigate.

Local resident Ziad Maalouf (Ziad Maalouf) heard the sound of the crash in the area. He said: “The area is very foggy…the plane hit the rock above the house.” “After hearing the explosion, we ran I went out and saw the remains of people.”

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