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HomeItalian NewsWhat will happen to Italian politics? March 2021 Edition-Advanced # 29-Italian Podcast

What will happen to Italian politics? March 2021 Edition-Advanced # 29-Italian Podcast

In Italy, the government has just changed. How did this happen? In this episode (the third chapter of my Italian politics series), we analyzed what happened from the previous episode (that is, from the last government crisis in September 2019) to recent political events you may have heard of .

Transcription and glossary (free!)
A4 size-correct, before some formatting issues
Letter size (United States)

Watch (or listen to) the first few chapters:
Chapter One (September 2018)—— video electronic Vocal
Chapter 2 (September 2019)—— video electronic Vocal

Bonus episode I explained some of the words in the episode in it: desire, support, delegate/delegate yourself, assign, resign

Take Italian lessons at Italki (not with me) And get it for free $10 credits.

if you want Give me some money And to help me complete this project, I would be very grateful! Thank you very much Amanda, Barbara and Timothy.

My youtube channel

To send me an audio message to be played in a podcast, please write to me:



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