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HomeSmall BusinessWhich one should your small business prioritize? Blog or podcast?

Which one should your small business prioritize? Blog or podcast?

A lot of content is needed to effectively market a business.Having said that, you don’t always have time Create all kinds of content you should createWhile diversifying your content strategy with as many different types of formats as possible is usually the way to go (more on that later), sometimes you may find yourself trying to decide which direction to focus your resources on.

Blogs and podcasts are conversion-driven content methods that are worth your time and effort.In terms of blogs, companies that make blogs see on average 67% increase in potential customers Than no company.At the same time, the number of monthly podcast listeners is Increased 54% in the past three years alone, Implying the huge potential to seize the potential prospects.

These obviously have great benefits Content strategy, But how do you decide which is more suitable for your business?We are breaking down the benefits and potential pitfalls of both, and why you might want to consider solving these two problems Content marketing success.

write a blog

Blogging is the main strategy.Most brands have prioritized blogging for many years, while some brands find it difficult to stick to it Edit calendarIf you find yourself wondering whether a blog is really all it’s content, then it’s time to learn more about the benefits of blogging and things to remember.

The benefits of blogging

1. It can improve SEO

Done right, blogs are great for SEO, which means higher rankings on search results pages and more traffic to your website (About 55% or more, To be precise).However, there are methods for this madness, so you have to make sure Prioritize SEO throughout the content creation process.

2. It can improve the return on investment

In 2019, marketers who prioritized blogs saw Return on investment increased by 13 times No better than those. why?Well, when you create blog content, you are essentially Drive your email marketing. You provide potential customers with high-quality, informative articles, answer their questions and solve their pain points.When you do this, you are building trust and Shorten the lead time.

3. It can be more effective than advertising

Independent advertising has its place, but 70% of consumers Say they would rather learn about a company through articles than advertisements. Paid advertising Very good at attracting the attention of new potential customers and catching them where they are already involved (social media platforms or other online sites selling advertising space). However, they have not done much to educate potential customers about their needs or the questions they have already answered. This is where blogs come in.

Notes on blogging

1. Quality takes time

Writing is hard work, and general posts require Nearly four hours produce.You have to consider all stages Content creation process: Conceptualize, research, write, edit, optimize SEO and add the correct backlinks, another round of editing, and then distribute.

2. Intense competition

Using your blog is definitely possible to succeed, but doing so will run into a lot of competition.Have More than 600 million active blogs On the Internet, if you are late in the blog game, your competitors may have beaten you.

3. More than just words

The most effective blog today Contains images, statistics and contributor quotes Except for text copy. So, while creating consistent written content is great, it’s also crucial to incorporate visual content, data, and industry influencers’ opinions into your blog strategy.


Podcasting has exploded in the past few years. They are a great way to expose your brand to new audiences and engage in new ways.Unlike blogs, podcasts are not necessarily any Marketing Plan, But this does not mean that owning one is not worth much.

The benefits of podcasting

1. It is a growing medium

Podcasts are not as popular as blogs, but with 37% of Americans listen to podcasts every month, There is a great opportunity to make a mark. Participating while it is still growing means you have more time to build a solid audience and enter a less saturated market.

2. The most suitable form of education

If you want to share a lot of insights, personal experience and Become a thought leader In your space, Podcasting is a good format worth considering. This kind of agenda can be amplified by guest starring or hosting your own podcast. The former is also ideal for taking advantage of third-party reputation and a larger audience.

3. It is driven by “smart” technology

Many people now have smart speakers like Amazon Alexa and Google Home, which are ideal for podcast consumption. As podcasts are available on different platforms, it makes it easier for the general public to reach your brand.

A note about podcasts

1. unpleasant

This is not a quick win deal. Podcasts take a lot of time to plan, produce, and edit, and they also need time to gain attention. Just like writing a blog, you need consistency, patience, and strategy to drive these efforts to success.

2. It is not based on CTA

You can certainly end your podcast with a verbal CTA or some kind of promotion, but you will obviously miss a clickable button. Instead of promoting digital interaction, your podcast focuses more on engagement and brand awareness. So if you want to use podcasts to promote new products, that will definitely happen, but it may not be as influential as you hope.

3. Not intuitive

Before publishing your first podcast, you need to learn a lot-certainly much more than you need to create a blog post. It is important to conduct research and understand what tools you need to ensure clear, high-quality sound. This may mean renting out space and investing in expensive equipment. You also need to make sure that any network you join is meaningful to your podcast focus and brand.

Why not do it at the same time?

Their formats may be different, but blogs and podcasts have some of the same basic elements, including the need to hone your Target audience And create original content that has been thoroughly researched. It may seem daunting to make the ball roll with just one, let alone two, but the overlap of these elements means that a lot of the work is relatively the same-you can even turn your blog research into a podcast on the same topic and vice versa .

Writing blogs and podcasts at the same time can also help fill in one of the gaps that may be left. For example, there may be differences in your audience, namely who is more likely to interact with one medium than another (For example, men are more willing to listen to podcasts than women).

Ultimately, you decide what your bandwidth is used for and what makes the most sense to your audience and your goals. And because of the growth of digital marketing tools, it’s easier to start using any format than you think-no, you don’t need a broadcasting degree to start publishing podcasts.

Evaluate your marketing goals and budget When determining where your resources should be pooled, always pay close attention to your data analysis to understand the execution of your various efforts.

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