Large grocery stores including Whole Foods, Safeway, Meijer and Hannaford have recalled a large number of frozen cooked shrimp nationwide. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration) Indicates that the recalled shrimp was found to contain salmonella Pollution.
The eight recalled brands include Chicken of the Sea and supermarket private brands.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Said that so far, six people have been infected with the contamination-four in Nevada and two in Arizona. There were two hospitalizations and zero deaths. The last onset was on April 25.
All the recalled shrimps were distributed by Avanti Frozen Foods in India, and the affected batches were distributed between December 2020 and February 2021.
salmonella The US Food and Drug Administration said it was first found in imported samples in January. Although that particular sample was destroyed in March, in April, the disease began to multiply from the contaminated batch sold three months ago.
“As of (Friday, June 25), six clinical isolates have genetically matched Salmonella collected from imported samples. Five of the six patients were interviewed to determine what food they ate before becoming sick, and All five patients reported eating shrimp,” the FDA said.
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images
The shrimp that caused the reported disease has passed its shelf life and has been removed from the has Affected products Still on the shelf and its batch number:
- I think, Tail-2 pound pouch; code 140313D, 140314D, 140315D, 140316D; expiration date 5/7/2022 — 5/10/2022.
- Sea chicken, Trailing — 16 ounce pallets; codes 91AS/02UN/216 and 91AS/03UN/217; expiration dates 5/1/2022 and 5/2/2022.
- Honest capture, Tail — 1 pound pouch; code 3150-GFF; expiration date 11/9/2022.
- China Water Association, Tail — 7-pound pouch; Code 91AS/06UN/220D, 91AS/07UN/221C, 91AS/23HN/206B, 91AS/24HN/207; Expiry date: January 23, 2022; January 24, 2022 ; 2/6/2022; and 2/7/2022.
- Hannaford, Tail — 1 pound pouch; code. AVF 30920 EF and AVF 31020 EF; expiry dates 10/25/2022 and 10/26/2022.
- Seaside tavern (Safeway’s own brand), Trailing — 16 oz pallets; codes 20305 and 20306; expiration dates 10/30/2022 and 10/31/2022.
- Open acre, Tail-1 pound pouch; code 02572 0307 11 and 02572 0308 11; expiration date 11/2/2022 and 11/3/2022.
- 365 (Whole Foods Supermarket Brand), Tail — 2-pound pouch; code 91AS/29HN/212B and 91AS/30HN/213; expiration date 4/29/2022 and 4/30/2022.
- Meyer, Tail-1 pound pouch; Code 29720 49982, 29820 49982, 30220 50736, 30320 50736, 30520 49486, 30620 49486, 30920 50737, 31037 Expiration date 10/22/2022, 10/23/2022 10/27/2022, 10/28/2022, 10/30/2022, 10/31/2022, 11/3/2022, 11/4/2022.
Healthy people salmonella There may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever. More serious problems may include arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms.
If anyone experiences these symptoms after handling the product, they should contact their healthcare provider.
According to the CDC, approximately 1.3 million people salmonella Pollution: Approximately 26,500 people are hospitalized and 420 die every year.