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HomeWorld NewsXi Jinping says it is "critical" to revive U.S. relations after "serious...

Xi Jinping says it is “critical” to revive U.S. relations after “serious difficulties”

  • Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Biden talked on the phone for the first time in seven months.
  • Xi Jinping stated that the US policy towards China has caused “serious difficulties.”
  • The call was described as “frank” and “in-depth.”

State media reported on Friday that Chinese President Xi Jinping told his American counterparts that the US policy towards Beijing has caused “serious difficulties” and that getting relations back on track is “critical to the destiny of the world”.

In recent years, the relationship between Beijing and Washington has become tense due to the fierce trade war and the US’s tough stance on China’s human rights record-and the competition for technological dominance and the dispute over the origin of the coronavirus have further damaged the relationship between the two countries.

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In a “frank and in-depth” meeting with US President Joe Biden, Xi Jinping warned that confrontations between the world’s top economies “will bring disasters to the two countries and the world.”

China Central Television quoted Xi Jinping as saying: “Whether China and the United States can properly handle the relationship between the two countries… has a bearing on the future and destiny of the world.”

“This is the question of the century that the two countries must answer,” he said.

This is the first call between the two leaders in seven months.

Xi Jinping emphasized that while “respecting differences”, both sides should continue to engage in dialogue on issues such as climate change, epidemic prevention, and global economic recovery.

Xi Jinping said that Sino-US relations are not a multiple-choice question of whether to do well or not.

This is the “must answer question of how to do a good job”.

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