Thursday, January 23, 2025

Fanatic MAGA supporters should show Trump that they believe the election is a big lie stolen from him, and refuse to participate in any childcare assistance, health care expansion, minimum wage increase, infrastructure work, or unemployment postponement promised by President Biden. MAGA’s supporters speak hard, but will they prove their loyalty by launching a brave rebellion against Biden, and wait until 2024 to see if Trump’s empty policy promises will bring any meaningful benefits? In the past, his promise has never been fulfilled. If Biden is not your president, you don’t deserve to be surprised by his achievements.

Only Americans who believe that Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 presidential election can benefit from his policies. It is infuriating to imagine Trump’s supporters continue to respect him, believe in the big lie of the stolen election, and threaten civil war, while absorbing every bit of help President Biden has provided to all Americans during the pandemic. What kind of people will bite the hand that feeds them? In summary, ungrateful, immature, greedy, and hypocritical. What kind of people trust and respect a president;

  • Spread more than 30,000 lies during his tenure
  • Accused of sexual misconduct, fraud, tax evasion, perjury, obstruction of justice, obstruction of congressional supervision, violation of the Constitution, sedition, and impeachment twice
  • Expelled from social media for spreading false information that incites violence
  • Bullying, lying, rude
  • Are racist
  • Expect loyalty, but very disloyal
  • Trying to instruct the election official to change the ballot so that he can win

Anyone who continues to trust and respect Trump must be either easily fooled, or be a fanatic of a reality star, uneducated, or a cultist, a racist, or an anti-democrat. In an interview during a Trump rally, his supporters made the most unfounded, ridiculous, despicable, and naive comments on him and his conspiracy theories. The masses knew that he would be called the worst, most authoritarian, and most incompetent president in American history. However, right-wing, white supremacist, and uneducated Trump voters still believe that everything he says is true, and has not verified or questioned it like a 5-year-old child. You can see the extreme fanatical adoration of Trump in their eyes, reminiscent of the excitement that young people feel when they go to the concert of their favorite artist.

Trump is the best liar ever. Instead of giving his supporters a real policy to directly improve their lives, he gave them a party and a reality show for them to star in. MAGA party hats and T-shirts are like drugs distributed at college fraternity parties. The strategy is to distract people so they don’t realize that they are being deceived and laughed at and treated as fools. When the media asked why they supported Trump, supporters were angry that he worked for them, made America great again, the election was stolen, how much we need a wall, and the rally was great. I don’t want to sound harsh, but none of his supporters sounded well-informed and knowledgeable about the real (not false) issues facing the United States.

It is difficult to understand why Trump’s supporters did not lose faith in him after he contracted COVID and spread it to friends and family by dangerously ignoring CDC guidelines. The President lied about the danger of the deadly virus, discouraged people from using protective measures, and mocked those who acted responsibly. How irresponsible is this? Then after recovering from COVID, he promised that all Americans would get the same expensive treatment he received, but he never fulfilled this promise.

Trump persuaded his followers with his fanatical way of communication to build a wall between the United States and our ally Mexico than to get higher wages, improve our infrastructure, fight COVID, or be ethical on the world stage Status is more important. The Trump Organization will be charged tomorrow with tax crimes. Trump himself is being investigated for federal financial crimes, civil crimes, and election interference crimes. Can’t Republican voters find a candidate worthy of admiration and support? At least someone abiding by the laws in the U.S. Constitution should be a standard. This will show that commitment to the country exceeds that of the party.

It’s just the last thought for Trump’s loyalists; be wary of politicians and leaders who only tell you what you want to hear, because their motivation is usually to be admired and stay in power, not to do the right thing.

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