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HomeItalian NewsIntroductory Interlude-Italian Podcast

Introductory Interlude-Italian Podcast

The first text contains the translation (In brackets) of Words and more complex structures. This is a layer text Elementary/Intermediate.

Below you will find links to the same text but no suggestions. If some words and expressions are not very clear to you, I suggest you use the first text and then re-read the text, but this time there is no translation. Listen to the recording at the same time.


The first text contains the translation (In brackets) of Complex words and structures. This is an Elementary/Intermediate Horizontal text.

Scroll down to find the link of the same text without any hints. If you do not understand certain words or phrases, I suggest you read the first text and then try to read the same text without any translation. Listen to audio at the same time.


Welcome to the Italian Podcast! My name is David and I live in the province of Turin in northern Italy. I am 21 years old and I like languages.indeed OhBecome all‘Italian (apart from..), my mother tongue, I can speak English, Spanish, French and Russian.

I decided to create an Italian podcast to help those people (those people) Learn Italian.

What is the content of this podcast? Well, first of all, I won’t talk about grammar, at least not much. If you are interested (If you are interested in) There are many websites and many books for you to learn grammar. in my opinion (in my opinion) Read and listen Interesting things (Things of interest) not only (not only..)More fun, but also (.. but also) Is more useful.F Suggest (I recommend) Listen and read The more the better (The more the better), because this is the best way progress (To make progress) A language.

Every episode Accompanied by (Accompanied) Its transcript. The most difficult words and expressions are translated into English. plot They are divided into (Divided into) Three difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.The content and theme of the text They are not fixed, but varied (Not fixed, but changing)

Who (some people..) Start to speak Italian (or any language) Instantly (From the beginning) e gas (And those) Would rather wait a while. It depends on the individual. (Depends on the individual)In any case, it is very important to always read and listen!

Said this (Having said that), good to listen and read! (In Italian, we always use “buon / buona / buona” to express wishes. “Good job”, “good class”, “have fun”, “good journey”, etc.)

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