Friday, April 26, 2024
HomeEconomyMass shooting related, by March 2023

Mass shooting related, by March 2023

Estimated mass shooting casualties and return of mass shootings through March 29:

figure 1: Mass shooting casualties (deaths + injuries), left scale (brown) and mass shooting incidents (blue bar, right scale). Shades of gray indicate an assault weapons ban. Orange shading indicates the Trump administration. source: Mother Jones Database.

We can use regression analysis (GLM for casualties, negative binomial for events) to analyze correlations.

casualtiesTon = –1.76 – 0.72 prohibitTon + 1.21 trump cardTon + 0.44 bidenTon +0.00001Pop musicTon

SER = 32.7, NOBS = 399. Bold indicates significance at 10% msl, standard error corrected for overdispersion (GLM, negative binomial option in EViews).

For the number of mass shootings, compute the regression:

eventTon = –5.43 – 0.54 prohibitTon + 0.51 trump cardTon + 0.64 bidenTon +0.00001Pop musicTon

Regulate-R2 = 0.13, SER = 0.596, NOBS = 399. Bold indicates significance at 10% msl, standard error corrected for overdispersion (negative binomial in EViews).

The population in February and March equals the growth in January.

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