Friday, April 26, 2024
HomeWorld NewsPolice arrest 19 people for new Covid riots in the Netherlands

Police arrest 19 people for new Covid riots in the Netherlands

The Dutch police said on Sunday that they had arrested 19 people after the second night of violence in the country due to the government’s coronavirus measures due to riots in The Hague.

On Saturday night, police in riot gear accused hundreds of demonstrators of setting fire to bicycles and an electric moped, piled up at a busy intersection. A water cannon extinguished the fire.

The Hague police said in a statement: “The police were also attacked by heavy fireworks and stones thrown from the roof.”

“Officials arrested a total of 19 people, including insults.”

An Agence France-Presse reporter witnessed an incident when the riot police dragged a woman out of a passing car and put her into a police car after the occupants in the car yelled at the police.

Police said five policemen were injured during the riots and a stone thrown by the mob smashed the window of an ambulance carrying patients.

Dutch media reported that riots broke out in the towns of Oulk in the central part of the “Bible Zone” and cities in the southern province of Limburg, and angry fans disrupted two closed-door football matches due to Covid-19 regulations.

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