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HomeItalian NewsRemember, in short, you will understand-Spoken Use #1-Italian Podcast

Remember, in short, you will understand-Spoken Use #1-Italian Podcast

Welcome to the Italian Podcast! My name is David, and I want to start a series of episodes, dedicated to introducing some words, phrases, expressions, these are not idioms-we can also talk about idioms in the future-but in this episode and other episodes In, I’m going to talk about the phrases and words that we use in a non-textual way. They are usually used for conversational speech, but they are very, very common. Usually foreigners don’t use them, they don’t know them.So if you can learn them You will be surprised (You will be impressed) The Italian you are talking to, because in this way, your Italian becomes more natural.
and so Won’t get lost in small talk (No need to spend any more troubles) -This is an idiom “Don’t get lost in the chatter”-Let’s get started right away, so you know what I’m talking about.

The first expression I want to talk about is “Keep in mind.”
In my opinion, “having this” is synonymous with “knowing what a person is saying”. Let me give you a few examples:

  • Have you seen the Dunkirk movie that was just released?
  • Do not, I do not have this / Or we also say / NO, I have not

Another example might be:

  • you know The tall blond girl who lives near our house?
  • Do not, I do not have this / Or here too / Do not, I don’t have one now.
    I don’t know who you are talking about, I don’t remember this person, I don’t know who you are referring to.

The last example is:

  • Have you heard of the bar they recently opened in the center?
  • Yes, I have this/Yes, I have this.

“Yes, I know what you are talking about.” I know this bar or have heard of this bar. “Yes, I have this, I have this bar”. “Attention” is a way of expression, we can use it to mean “Yes, I know what you are talking about”, “I know what” or “Who are you referring to”.

The next usage I want to tell you is the word “well”.
“In short” usually means “therefore”, “in short”, “summary”, “conclusion”. We ended the speech and said “Okay, + something else”.
For example, a person can talk about his vacation in Spain, talk about everything that happened, the cities he visited and how much he likes it, and then at the end he says: “Well, I really like Spain, that’s a good choice. Holidays. “.
But what I want to say today is another usage in a nutshell. Sometimes “in short” can actually mean “not much”, “not much” or “not much”. E.g:

  • Do you like the latest Harry Potter movies?
  • In summary.. / Sometimes we also say / It’s not like this..

We can also use “Well, not so much…” together. “Mica” is a colloquial word that actually means “no”, not so much.

  • Do you like the last movie?
  • In summary, Not so much…/well, not so much…

And the stadium is very important. Another example of what I can do is as follows:

  • Did you understand the text?
  • what, In summary.. / Here we can also say / But, in short, not so much…
    We can also use all these words together: “But, in short, not so many.”

The third and final example might be:

  • I don’t like this exhibition very much. How did you find it?
  • Yes it is, In summary, They can do better.This “yes” at the beginning we mean Did not disappoint us (It didn’t disappoint us) Completely But it could have been better because we said “well, they could have done better.” “Yes, in short, Bulge (Fortunately, not too bad) But it could have been better”.Today’s last expression or usage-actually I chose two that are almost the same, in my opinion… I will first give you some examples to let you understand how they are used.
  • I won 2 Euros in the lottery.
  • You will understand! / Or / What do you know!

They are synonyms. another example:

  • I can run 5 kilometers without stopping.
  • You will understand, I also ran 20/ You know those things, I ran 20.

The last example:

  • Stefano scored 30 points in that exam.
  • You will understand, It’s that simple! / You know those things, It’s that simple!

Therefore, as you can see, “you will understand” or “what do you know” are ways to minimize the information provided to us, which shows that we are not impressed by what is being told. “Stefano scored 30 points in that exam.” “You will understand, it’s easy!”.
Because everyone scored 30 points in that exam. “You will understand”, “You know those things”. It is not difficult, so this is not something that impresses me, nor is it information that shocks me.

  • I won 2 Euros in the lottery.
  • You will understand! / do you know!

Say it again: 2 euros is very little, so I am not impressed with your bonus, so I try to minimize the information you just gave me.
To end this lesson, I will use all these sentences in a small conversation that contains these sentences.

  • I went to see the movie “Dunkirk” which was just released. Have you seen it?
  • Not but I have this. Do you like it?
  • In summary, Not so much for me. On the other hand, Federico likes it.
  • You will understand, He likes all the movies of Christopher Nolan. /or/ You know those things, He likes all Nolan’s movies. This is today’s class. We talked about “There is this”, “Okay…” and “You will understand!” / “You know those things”. I hope you like this episode, it is very useful. As usual, you will find transcriptions with more complex word translations on
    Thanks for listening and see you soon.

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