“Hi, Rebecca, where are you? It looks so beautiful and sunny!” Peter Kettenlin happily greeted his conversation partner who he didn’t know yet. When he was sitting in front of the bookshelves full of books in the study, Rebekka Liese chose her backyard as a place to talk. Two people from different cities and living environments actually meet to have a conversation. Where do you start the subject? Rebekka Liese chose the bubble of our lives. She was talking about “bubbles.” She currently lives in two worlds. In the urban living space in Halle with her parents in the countryside. Caitlin nodded knowingly. He finds the topic of bubbles very interesting.
It will soon become clear that the two—at least for now—are not in the same world. Liese, a theology student and the mother of a young son, quickly turned to the topic of money. The administrative procedures are strict, and subsidies and subsidies take a long time. In Halle, she led a food sharing program and took the food sent there home for her own use. She likes to do volunteer work, but if there is no such incentive to save, given the tight family budget, she will not be able to justify the use of time.
Kaitenlin is older than Liese, is the head of the legal department of a telecommunications provider, and lives in the center of Düsseldorf with his wife (also a lawyer). He knows money issues from his studies. He was born in a teacher’s family and earned some extra money in the factory. When he started talking with the factory workers, he learned about financial difficulties. He quickly understood that he wanted to study and pursue a career. Today, he is satisfied and grateful for this sense of security. Liese is still working on this. One day she wants to go to the parish office, and her husband is currently learning to be a teacher.
“Chickens can’t live a happy life there”
When it comes to finances, the two quickly turned to food. “Everyone should get high-quality products at affordable prices,” Kettenring said. Liese thinks the price of meat is too cheap. She knows her own way very well: her childhood in the country raised her awareness and taught her a lot about animal husbandry. From the beginning, she calculated the cost of preservation, living, and processing, and compared it with the supermarket price of the final consumer. “A chicken usually costs 15 euros. The price of a chicken is 4.50 euros, but you have to calculate about 5 euros for food. But these are not organically farmed animals. Traditional animals, picked and prepared, cost five Between seven euros, except for the cold storage area of the supermarket.” Kettenring concluded: “It is impossible for chickens to live a happy life there.”
Liese is her element. She reported that she had encountered difficulties in her home country. Her knowledge of the real agricultural situation was missed in the party program of the Green Party. Nevertheless, she can best agree with them: “I want a more honest campaign. What is the goal and how do we get there? The Green Party speaks more clearly than others. I also hope that other parties will do the same.”