Friday, April 19, 2024
HomeWorld NewsThe death toll from the collapse of an apartment in Florida rises...

The death toll from the collapse of an apartment in Florida rises by 6 to 60

Officials said on Thursday that staff searching in a collapsed apartment building near Miami found six more bodies, bringing the death toll to 60, a day after announcing that there is no longer any hope of finding anyone.

The Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Daniella Levine Cava, said at a press conference that 80 people are still believed to have been missing in the disaster, which is believed to have collapsed in the early hours of June 24. Champlain Tower South Building.

As of midnight Eastern Daylight Time (0400 GMT) on Thursday, emergency rescue efforts have officially shifted from trying to find survivors to recovery operations, eliminating any hope of saving anyone from the rubble.

“It was difficult yesterday,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said at a press conference.

“But the work will continue and they will identify everyone.”

(Reporting by Brad Brooks in Surfside, Florida and Nathan Layne in Wilton, Connecticut; editing by Chizu Nomiyama and Howard Goller)

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