Welcome back to the Italian podcast. In this episode, I will read you Gianni Rodari’s story again, excerpted from “Favole al Telefono”. It is short, but there are still some interesting expressions that you may not know.
Traveling monkey (Monkey is on the journey)
One day, the monkey in the zoo decided to make one Campus trip (Field trips). Go, go, they stopped and someone asked:
—— What do you see? (What can you see?)
– This cage (cage) Lion’s, Sealed jar (Sea Leopard Tank / vasca can also be a “bathtub”) And the giraffe’s house.
—— how is it The big world, and how is it Instructive for travel (How is + adjective + noun = how + adj. is + noun/ how beautiful is Italian!) .
They started the journey again (They started yelling again / riprendere + noun OR verb = restart, restore (Again) / I go back to learn Italian = I go back to learn Italian) And stop only at noon.
-What do you see now?
-Giraffe House, Seal Pond and Lion Cage.
-How unfamiliar the world is, and how beneficial it is to travel.
They set off again (“They go back on the road/continue to walk / “Back on the road”) And only stop at sunset (sunset, Usually we only say “tramonto” and “alba”, “sunrise”).
—— What to see? (What to see?)
-Lion cage, giraffe house and seal tank.
-How boring the world is: you always see the same things.And travel Useless (it’s useless /Useless = useless)
of course (No wonder, of course!): They traveled, they traveled, but they did not come out of the cage e They did (They kept / Don’t do that = keep doing something/the situation will only get worse) Go around (Go around) Like a horse Carousel (Carousel).