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When we reached the “new level of madness”, “Hercules” star Kevin Sobo slammed and awakened Captain America – RedState

Kevin Sobo is more like a Old-fashioned Captain America guy.

TV Hercules Clearly stated on Fox Business Thursday.

Just like me cover Yesterday, Marvel Comics recently waxed the American Dream.

by Captain America In Volume 1, he was not full of praise:

“This is about dreams… dreams are not real. When we wake up, it disappears. And there is this kind of desire deep in our hearts. It seems that something has been taken away by us. Dreams. But recently, as the years have passed, I have spent my days in this country-I have begun to think that the United States actually has two dreams. There is also a lie.”

“The first American dream,” the superhero guessed, “is an unreal dream. Some people hope it is just given to them and then angry when it disappears, but the truth is that it has never been in the beginning. Really existed.”

He warned of nationalism, and—it seemed—it was inherently anti-immigration ugly:

“This is the white picket fence fallacy. If we are not careful, we will become nationalism. Chauvinism. That dream is not true. Never. Because that dream does not match reality. Other cultures. Immigration. Poor people. Suffering. People can easily be regarded as “different” or “non-American.” The white picket fence becomes a gate that keeps others out.”

Captain America lamented “lie” and “empty promise.”

and also This:

“Not long ago, we told the world that they could come here to live a better life. But many times, we turned their backs on them. What they get is not a dream, but a primitive deal.”

How actor Kevin became a hero Hercules: Legendary Journey -Characterize all of this?

He attributed this behavior to “a new level of madness.”

speak Varney Sobo stood up for the country:

“Obviously, the United States is a great country.”

As for the dream:

“[A]The United States is still a very suitable place to live, but also a very suitable place to pursue dreams. “

The actor said to the dreamer Walt Disney:

“Walter… as early as the 1950s said… movies and television will affect our young people.”

Kevin is not excited about the results:

“[L]Look at what is happening on the streets of America today-especially in all blue states and blue cities. And all the anger, hatred and violence that happened there. “

So, if someone really thinks that the United States is unacceptable, what should they do?

According to reports fox, Kevin has an idea:

“I think people who really think this is a terrible country should really spend a year in other countries that they think are utopias and find out the true meaning of socialism and communism.”

Call it Herschel Walker’s concept-

This concept also reminds me of something I wrote recently-some citizens of the United States may laugh at “a person”, but Americans are world.

Which american dream that achieve?

As Kevin pointed out, there are still many people who dream of achieving it:

“If they know the situation will be as bad as where they left off, why do so many people in the world want to flock to this country?”

Kevin is not the only celebrity who disagrees with the new comic

Said to Fox on Monday, Louise and Clark Helmer Dean Kane Say so:

“I like the concept of Captain America, but I am tired of this awakening and anti-Americanism. …In my opinion, the United States is the greatest country in history. This is not perfect. We have been working hard to build a more perfect one. Alliance…but I believe she is the fairest and fairest country ever, with more opportunities than ever before, which is why people are scrambling to come here from all over the world.”

As for Kevin, he is ready to fight alongside Superman:

“I agree with what Dean Kane said before.”

in short:

“We keep reaching new levels of madness. …this is just another example of leftist lies.”


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