Year-end: the best time to evaluate the process
Have David Keller’s video, I link In the featured links section, Title: “Re-evaluate your process”.It really resonates with me His 3 questions are about routine. Of course I recognize The importance of developing good habits and sticking to themAnd that’s why I created Example part of SwingTradeBot. (here it is My original blog post about the function of the routine.)
What impressed me was that his question about “what opportunities did I miss” was also a problem I solved in my daily and weekly routines. As a trader, losing trades has been and will continue to be my biggest problem. I have accepted the fact that one person cannot catch every big mover, but I still strive to perform better in as many situations as possible. This is really what prompted me to create routine functions- I don’t want to miss a transaction, if I just remember to run a specific scan, it might make me thousands of dollars!
David’s two questions are about Identify and analyze the best and worst performers. These things happen to be part of my weekly and daily life.
I have been watching List of top% winners and losers See what is moving (without me on the road) and figure out if there is a signal I missed. My daily life has the following links Daily mobile percentage scan. My weekly routine points to me “Over Time” Percentage Winners and Losers ScanOn weekends, I usually check 5-day movers and 30-day movers.
So here is an interesting little exercise-look at the list of the top one-year percentage increases (a few screenshots above) and ask yourself how much you have this year. Ask yourself why you missed other people. Are they even on your radar? (You need a new radar!?) Go back and look at the graphs to see if they provide any good entry points, figure out what signals/settings they give at these points, and find a way to capture these settings when they appear in the future.
I hope you all find these routines as useful as mine. Now is a good time to solve these 10 problems and adjust your daily life based on your self-analysis. The 10 questions are as follows.
- How will I evaluate my overall performance?
- What is my best deal this year? What can I learn from it?
- What is my worst deal this year? What can I learn from it?
- What opportunities did I miss?
- What are the best performers in my universe?
- Which is the worst performer in my universe?
- How will I evaluate my daily activities?
- How can I improve my weekly routine?
- How can I improve my daily life?
- How do I feel about the answers to the first 9 questions?