CChina defeated the infectious disease malaria.As World Health Organization The WHO announced on Wednesday that the most populous country in the world has been officially listed as a country without malaria. In the past four years, there has not been a single new case of infection in the country.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement: “Today, we congratulate the Chinese people on getting rid of malaria.” With the hard-won success, China has joined more and more countries, demonstrating to the world The future of malaria is a viable goal.
Systematically reduce mosquito breeding grounds
So far, according to WHO information, about 40 countries are fighting malaria Won and obtain the corresponding certificate. Therefore, China is the first country to achieve this breakthrough in the Western Pacific in 30 years. In the 1940s, China reported about 30 million cases of malaria every year. Since then, many government programs have led to a decline in the number of infections.
according to WHO Decades ago, China began dispensing medicines in high-risk areas to prevent this disease. The mosquito breeding area is systematically reduced, and insect repellents and protective nets are widely provided.
Malaria is transmitted by infected Anopheles mosquitoes. Parasites can cause infectious diseases, leading to high fever, headaches and chills. If not treated quickly, malaria can be life-threatening.
According to the latest World Health Organization’s “World Malaria Report”, there were 229 million malaria cases worldwide in 2019, up from 228 million cases in 2018. The estimated number of deaths from malaria in 2019 was 409,000, compared with 411,000 in 2018. Recently, 94% of malaria cases are the most severely affected by the disease so far.